They can make changes, commit them to their local repositories, and merge changes from others without affecting the main branch.
The user can view the data, make changes, and then invoke a transaction to commit those changes.
If the changes in the repository are fairly minor compared to what I've been doing, then I make the scratch copy from the repository and commit over that instead of updating.
Make the appropriate changes to the input fields of the Task Output Message and click Complete to commit these changes to the process.
对TaskOut putMessage的输入字段进行相应的更改,并单击Complete,以将这些更改提交给流程。
Imagine you make a code change and run your build (through an IDE or Ant), and after all is working as expected you commit your changes to a version control repository.
GitHub for Mac aims to make it easier to clone a repository from the website with the "clone in Mac" button, create a fork, commit and upload changes.
针对Mac的GitHub客户端便于从带有“Clonein Mac”按钮的网站上克隆一个存储,创建分支、提交和上传修改。
Use the COMMIT statement to end your current transaction and make permanent all changes performed in the transaction.
使用COMMIT可以终止你当前的事务,并永久性地改变 数据库中的数据(写到日志文件)。
Use the COMMIT statement to end your current transaction and make permanent all changes performed in the transaction.
使用COMMIT可以终止你当前的事务,并永久性地改变 数据库中的数据(写到日志文件)。