Clothing, it seems, can make us colour blind, because whether we perceive someone as' white 'or' black 'depends not just on skin tone - but also how smartly they are dressed, according to researchers.
Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black.
These devices use tiny capsules filled with positively charged white particles and negatively charged black ones to make an image.
The fresh fruits are white and juicy where as the dried longans are dark brown or black. Vietnamese make desserts with this fruit. These fruits are very effective in relaxing body.
The new IP black version featuring large, easy to see white LEDs and a solid stainless steel strap is sure to turn heads and make your friends envious.
For a rubber ball, you could use a black or red specular light instead of white which would make the ball appear less shiny.
That is why Amos and Andy could paint their faces black and make "black" voices and everyone in the theater who was white thought it was hilarious.
Make sure to ask about dress code: many require black pants or skirts and white shirts.
And having a clear notion of this is worth more than 70 different colors of paint — because with those three principal colors and black and white, one can make more than 70 tones and varieties.
Now select Gradient Tool from the layer palette, make sure that default colors are selected (black and white you can activate them simply by pressing D on your keyboard).
Jack met Obama, she recalls, through a friend of a friend who thought he'd make a good subject for her black-and-white portraits.
Other shortcomings include the inability to flip the screen (I'd like to hold my netbook like a book) and the inability to make the text white with a black background.
To make 32 ounces of iced tea, it usually takes 8 bags of black tea or 10 bags of herbal, green, or white tea.
The researchers say their findings prove why black people are more likely to sprint faster while white people make swifter swimmers.
It can make black into white, ugly into the beautiful, lowly become noble, become a coward brave young man.
Black skin person unfavorable wear white or pink stones, lest strong contrast, and make skin appear darker.
To make wampum, they sewed tiny black, purple, and white beads made from seashells into belts.
He has also discovered that plastic blue spoons make food taste more salty, white spoons make food taste creamier and black spoons make it taste less sweet.
The black and white dog, a gift from Senator Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts, will make his big debut Tuesday afternoon.
Make sure your text contrasts STRONGLY with your background color — black text on a white background is the best combination.
Your copy is the most important part of your website, so it's essential that you make it easy to read, and nothing is easier to read than black text on white background.
It doesn't make any difference whether you are black or white, or yellow skin. We are all the same on the inside.
If the gene therapy could make the white hair of an albino mouse turn black, it should also help banish gray hair - without dyes.
If the gene therapy could make the white hair of an albino mouse turn black, it should also help banish gray hair - without dyes.