And while renewable energy technology may make good business sense, he says, it is not based on "good practical engineering".
To determine if digital signage is a natural fit for their customers, signmakers must ask where it would make good business sense to add dynamic content to an existing static signage environment.
Over the past year, and particularly in the last half of 2016, sales of the brand have steadily declined to the point where it didn't make good business sense for us to continue with the line for now.
So if you're a small business that relies on local search traffic, it's a good idea to make sure search engine crawlers have a good sense of where you're located.
Instead, a good message needs to make sense and transcend the sort of Numbers that make the business case for decisions.
He went to his boat and slowly sit down and think: the Lao Chuanfu that much good, and I lost a "pass", of course, can not do business, and I will certainly make their presence makes sense!
He went to his boat and slowly sit down and think: the Lao Chuanfu that much good, and I lost a "pass", of course, can not do business, and I will certainly make their presence makes sense!