00 p.m. - Lunchtime, but you may want to make it quick since there is a lot more to see.
To understand their experiments, we first need a crash course in genes and embryos.I'll try to make it quick.
To understand their experiments, we first need a crash course in genes and embryos. I'll try to make it quick.
If you want to go to the bathroom, make it quick right now, because you won't go to the bathroom during the test.
For example, one simple tactic is to make it quick and easy for web visitors and customers to view information on your website.
Click & Call buttons on a company's Web site can make it quick and easy for customers to reach out and buy – thereby increasing sales.
点击一个公司的网站上的呼叫按钮可以使客户伸手去购买 -它快捷方便。
To this point, this article has discussed components that find issues with a model, and then make it quick and easy to fix them through constraint pattern application.
You can thaw out the seafood before cooking it, but if you do this, make sure you cook it as quick as you can.
Some people hold the wrong idea that donating blood does harm to the donor's health, but the truth is that when a small amount of blood is taken out, the body will make a quick adjustment to it.
"I got up slowly," he explained, "because if I make a quick move it startles them."
Use it as an accent color to stimulate people to make quick decisions; it is a perfect color for 'Buy Now' or 'Click Here' buttons on Internet banners and websites.
Don’t make it a habit, or your clients will come to expect thatextra workload of you all the time: a quick path to freelance burn-out.
Recent innovations in Qt, such as Qt Quick, make it easier than ever for designers as well as developers to turn their ideas into applications and offer them to users.
Samba helps get Windows and Linux file systems to cooperate, but it is not meant to make access to files on all major file systems uniformly quick and easy to administer.
Overall, the Cover Pages offer so much volume that it doesn't necessarily make the best quick reference, but it is a good place to go to find the details on some schema you've heard about.
总之,The CoverPages提供了如此多的内容,以致于它不必进行最佳快速引用,但它是一个用于查找关于您所听说模式的细节信息的好地方。
Its utility is somewhat diminished in Quick by the complexity of the schema files and the amount of changes necessary to make use of the feature, but it does show how flexible Quick can be.
People should also have practical tools that make it easy, quick, and efficient to share and access this information.
I would feel a sudden uprising of anger so strong the only way I knew how to deal with it was to make a quick exit - from the room and probably from the house.
Using a cache when it is not necessary, or trying to make up for a bad application design with caching, may give you some initial quick wins, but would not be the best solution in the long run.
Assuming the best: When our pets make mistakes, we don't take it personally and are quick to forgive.
Some businessmen liken it to a new Wild West, a place where adventurers prepared to work in Iraq’s still tricky conditions can make a quick buck.
很多商人把它比喻成新的西部热土,一个冒险者在棘手条件下能够赚取丰厚利润 的地方。
So if you need to make a quick change or addition, you can just use your browser and edit all the source code of your running application and automatically deploy it afterwards.
If - no, make that when - your PC's hard drive crashes and can't be read, don't be too quick to throw it out.
Just make it a quick, innocent touch and don't make a big deal out of it.
It also helps you make friends with other people whose interests match yours, a fact companies have been quick to exploit.
No, there is no get rich quick scheme but that doesn't mean you can't make ten dollars in ten minutes; you could if you know the right way to do it.
When it comes to open source solutions that make development quick and arguably a lot easier, two frameworks that come to mind are Spring and Hibernate.
While I'm not a fan of get rich quick schemes or starting an endeavor without thoroughly researching it, I want to suggest some ideas you might be able to do to make quick cash in the short term.
While I'm not a fan of get rich quick schemes or starting an endeavor without thoroughly researching it, I want to suggest some ideas you might be able to do to make quick cash in the short term.