It gives me a sense of achievement when I make it to the end of a very long book.
In fact, if Carr is correct, you may never even make it to the end of this article.
Why do some teams seem to make to the end successfully, other teams just make it to the end, and others never get the chance?
Discrimination by age, long-term unemployment, the fact that they're now at the end of the hiring queue, the lack of time horizon just does not make it sensible to invest in them.
Another way to end a conversation is to make it easy for the other person to leave.
While they will make many cloud computing decisions jointly with business managers, executives, and end users, it leaders saw themselves as increasingly integral to the decision-making process.
It was an easy prediction to make: that the recession would end talk of corporate social responsibility.
Since the data mart is designed for a specific group of end users, it is good idea to make sure it only contains necessary information for the group.
They provide a simple task worksheet at the end of the chapter that make it simple to keep a project on course.
These are all small things that have a profound effect towards the end result and people will notice it when you make the effort to add just that little something extra to make your work stand out.
Just before the end of the Cub Scout program I took them all to a Boy Scout meeting to see how it was and help them make the final yes or no decision to continue on in the Scouting program.
Their opposition appears considerable, but we can overcome it easily, and, in the end, efforts to make them cooperate form a fertile field.
It also has the potential to be used to make biodegradable clothing, furnishings and hygiene products such as nappies - objects which now end up mouldering for decades in rubbish dumps.
That in turn will make it easier for the administration to persuade Congress to extend TARP beyond the end of the year.
I always make it a point to offer an alternate contact so the person doesn't end up in a dead end. This way you help steer the person in the right place.
But the very reason that Waxman and Markey made it through the energy committee could be that, in the end, it will be too weak to make much difference.
After a standing ovation for Mr Rudd, the most rousing applause came for a call to end Australia's constitutional links with the monarchy and make it a republic.
If we indulge in passing the buck on somebody else's shoulders; it can really lead to unpleasant situations and consequences that might make us feel guilty in the end.
But it could leave the Security Council split and make an end to the stand-off with Iran harder.
In the end, however, the banks could not make it to safety. Stymied by the frozen credit markets, they were unable to roll over their debts.
To that end, Mr Obama needs to make it clear, preferably before Israel's election next month, that America will no longer countenance Israel's colonisation of the West Bank.
Take both material pieces, lay them out together, apply some contact cement to one end of the strap and lay it glue up in the T. Fold the T ends to the glued center to make the pencil holders.
把剪裁好的布料叠在一起,在一端涂上一些接触胶合剂,让T的尾部粘起。 把T的两端折向中间可以做出放笔的地方。
JJDOC can make it easy for you to provide your end users with a description of the language they are using.
If you leave items in your working memory, they'll make it harder to fall asleep, and you'll end up ruminating about them if you should wake up during the night.
Sometimes when you're in the middle of one of these crises, you're not sure you're going to make it to the other end.
The effect was to make each tube behave as if it was more dense at one end than the other.
Oh no! I rolled backwards and forwards on the carpet to make the horror of it seem greater, and in the end I saw the wall heave over me and the pictures hung straight out on their wires.
At the end of the day, every little bit you do to make the world a better place makes a difference – and it really matters.
At the end of the day, every little bit you do to make the world a better place makes a difference – and it really matters.