Our Industry creates products and services that make life better for people around the world - both today and tomorrow.
The COVID-19 pandemic may make life difficult for people, but love and care will make life better.
But there is another story, one of ordinary people persevering in the face of incredible odds to make a better life for themselves and their children.
It's because they're making the mistakes that most people make when they're trying to change their life for the better.
"Giving people more income beyond 75k is not going to do much for their daily mood... but it is going to make them feel they have a better life," Deaton said in an interview.
If people are hurt when they are asked to make sacrifices for the general good, and yet the sacrifices go on and life does not become better, they can become very anxious.
People make sense in that, in order to have better life for money, if not, the loss of health is not worth? It is profitable purpose?
We can make life better for those people who are at risk of getting HIV or who are living with the virus.
Think about how brilliantly Ikea does this by focusing on how to make a better life for people, ultimately creating global demand for its affordable Scandinavian design.
Office is also the space for a better life embodies, although the work is often make people feel so hard, but when we faced with a bunch of super-cute dolls, a smile is also indispensable.
Office is also the space for a better life embodies, although the work is often make people feel so hard, but when we faced with a bunch of super-cute dolls, a smile is also indispensable.