When you separate work and life, it's a little bit harder to make that connection.
It doesn't include the temptations to run from society or make an excuse to avoid one's obligations—such as life-saving medical work or the parental obligation to buy groceries.
Humor can make one energetic in his work, study, and life.
The man who does not work for the love of work but only for money is not likely to make money nor find much fun in life.
Whatever area of life, whether it's financial, dietary, work or anyother, if you make the decision in advance, you're likely to cut down ondetrimental outcomes.
Whatever area of life, whether it's financial, dietary, work or any other, if you make the decision in advance, you're likely to cut down on detrimental outcomes.
Setting work goals can make your career and work life more manageable as well as more rewarding.
She said: "if women can see the pain as something that can be managed and something that they can work with, then they can make more positive modifications in their life and become more functional."
You're trying to make your team better here, trying to increase the value you can add to the organization, trying to make your own life better by putting the fun back into work.
When we retire we make a passage from a life of clearly defined work to a life asking for new creativity and wisdom.
We help people who need to change career because of redundancy and those who want to change career, desiring work that is more 'them', or to have a better work life balance or make a difference.
Well, the real surprise is that you too can put to work their techniques and make your life happier too.
There are, broadly speaking, two ways to get the jobless into work. One is to make life on benefits uncomfortable or precarious; the other is to make the prospect of work viable and appealing.
Capricorn: make and keep friendly appointments Typically a Capricorn’s busy life includes work, extra work and plenty of preparation for more work.
I had been looking at different ways to make my life better and found myself increasingly short of time to do work, socialize, and study everything I wanted to learn about the mind.
To make this work in real life, we need to be able to replace the "real" DAO class with the new "simulated" DAO class in our program.
It will make work more fun, it will make you happier in life, and it will make you more successful.
There are, broadly speaking, two ways to get the jobless into work. One is to make life on benefits uncomfortable or precarious;
It is widely acknowledged that computer and other machines have become an indispensable part of our society, which make our life and work more comfortable and less.
Although all couples have to make compromises you should essentially want the same things out of life and be able to work towards them together.
One of the best ways to get ahead at work is to make your boss 'life easier or better.
However if you could change your work and spend the rest of your life doing work you truly enjoy and which will make a difference to the world, what would you do?
It is enough to make us feel good. After outsourcing work and torture. After the marriage agencies are now outsourcing even our love life, daily.
The events in your life work together in God's plan. They are not isolated acts, but interdependent parts of the process to make you like Christ.
At a bar frequented by businessmen after work, one man said: "you need to be carnivorous when you make decisions in your life."
By allowing work to fit best with employees’ life schedule, you increase the chances that they’ll be motivated to work harder while they are at work and to do their best to make their schedule work.
He called on man to make every effort to live a good life in this world and to work to achieve his everlasting life.
It is widely acknowledged that computer and other machines have become an indispensable part of our society, which make our life and work more comfortable and less laborious.
Copenhageners manage to find a balance between their personal and work lives and they know how to make the city part of their life — how to 'use' the city.
Tools and graphical editors make life easier by doing a lot of the grunt work for you, but sometimes what they generate may not be precisely what you want.