On a related subject, it's very common for the build process after you've typed make to take longer than your short-term memory can remind you to type make install when it finishes.
Execute a make command to build the program; then execute a make install command to install the program and set up the tool.
执行make命令来构建程序;然后执行make install命令安装程序并设置工具。
The installation is simple and standard: run the configure command followed by make and make install.
安装过程很简单,是标准的:运行configure命令,然后运行make和make install。
The installation of qrencode is straightforward with the usual ./configure, make, make install.
qrencode的安装很直观,使用常规的./configure,make, make install 即可。
Once this is complete, the usual ./configure, make, and make install sequence will build the standalone Ambulant reader.
构建完成后,常用的./configure,make,和 make install序列将构建单机版的Ambulant阅读器。
I couldn't just run configure, make, and make install to build the Second Life client — because it doesn't use make at all.
要构建SecondLife客户机,却没法只是简单地运行configure、make和make install——因为它根本就没有使用make。
After downloading and untaring the QEMU distribution, configure, make, and then make install, and you're done (see Listing 1).
下载并打开QEMU发行版之后,configure、make,然后make install,任务就完成了(见清单1)。
Unpack the tarball, change to the newly created directory, and type ./configure followed by make and sudo make install.
解压压缩文件,进入刚创建的目录,输入./configure,然后输入make和sudo make install。
Run another make followed by make install, and you will have a newly built version of GDM installed in /usr/local/sbin/.
再次运行 make,再运行make install,然后您将得到在 /usr/local/sbin/ 中安装的新构建的GDM版本。
If those are not included, then the buildconf, configure, make, and make install did not go as planned.
否则,接下来的buildconf、configure、make和make install 等命令不能按预期工作。
Then just repeat the steps make && make modules_install && make install.
接下来仅需重复步骤make && make modules_install && make install。
Make compiles the code, and sudo make install installs the code in system directories.
make编译代码,sudo make install在系统目录中安装代码。
Run phpize, followed by ./configure, make, and make install.
运行phpize,后接./configure、make和 make install。
When building GIMP with these changes, type make, then when it is done, type make install as root and you should have a fully functional new tool in GIMP.
构建完成后,键入make install asroot,您应该在GIMP中拥有了一个功能完整的新工具。
To make a proof is quite costly for the printer because he not only has to make the printing plates but also needs to install them on the machine and make a few impressions in the correct color.
Will you install WordPress in the root directory, subdirectory, or you just want to make a test site to make sure you want to use it?.
Will you install WordPress in the root directory, subdirectory, or you just want to make a test site to make sure you want to use it?.