If not, use a diary or notebook to make notes of what has to be handed in and when.
You'd better make notes of the details of the accident.
In the meantime, make notes of useful words and expressions.
You don't need to make notes of grammar rules or remember new words.
Let it become a habit to make notes of the call and place them in an appropriate file.
Sit in the local coffee shop and politely eavesdrop on nearby conversations. Make notes of the exchanges between two people.
A. Intensive Reading: When we read the intensive articles, we should make notes of the new words and phrases and good sentences.
Read along with whoever's speaking and make notes of any new words. You'll be surprised when your listening improves faster than ever.
As I read I make notes of visual references and themes,... When thinking about the covers and the design I never want to interrupt anyone's writing.
We all make notes of what we have taught and find the best way of teaching according to their individuals. We try our best to let them learn more useful words.
While watching movies, or TV news and shows, or immediately afterwards, make notes of new vocabulary and idioms or expressions. Try to use these words in real contexts.
I decided to make notes during the lecture, and refer to interesting parts and thank her on behalf of the society.
I decided to make notes during the lecture and refer to interesting parts and thank her on behalf of the society.
In the 20th century, the first four notes were used by other musicians to make different types of music like hiphop and rock and roll.
Make a list of notes of things you need to learn, need to improve on, skills you want to master, people to talk to.
They only make the noise, described as a brief, clear metallic sound made up of a series of notes, when in distress.
Take quick notes, but try to make them separate from the script unless they are acting notations for that particular scene. As far as notes about the story, use a separate sheet of paper.
Skim through your sources, locating the useful material, then make good notes of it, including quotes and information for footnotes.
Write out a revised outline. Watch all the footage several times, making notes of clips and segments that can fit in with the outline or would make good transitional moments.
It mirrors the construction of musical scores on paper: Notes make up a phrase, phrases make up a part, and parts make up a score.
Define your problem. Grab a sheet of paper, electronic notebook, computer or whatever you use to make notes, and define your problem in detail.
He notes that services make up well over half of economic activity in most rich countries, but there are no common standards for measuring their inventiveness.
With a first round of requirements analysis complete, the narrative notes you have in hand will make design of your program's exception-handling far more rational and rewarding.
Participants who made notes to compensate for the vagaries of memory were likely to make the best decisions.
Participants who made notes to compensate for the vagaries of memory were likely to make the best decisions.