Some people make notes on small, A6 cards.
有些人把它做成A6 纸张大小。
If you are reading an argument, make notes on the points' for 'and' against '.
I can't make notes on a piece of film. And a movie will never tell me who I was in my youth.
If you are reading a description, make notes on the people or things described and their main features.
For example, if you are reading a narrative, make notes on the sequence of events: before the event, the event, after the event.
You may also get to make notes on all sorts of interesting smells at your local jail. Sample flavors and become familiar with them.
If you are reading a description, make notes on the people or things described and their main features. If you are reading an argument, make notes on the points' for 'and' against '.
Shreya has recently started following her mother around the kitchen, taking notes on how to make her "masala chai" and tasty kachoris.
I decided to make notes during the lecture, and refer to interesting parts and thank her on behalf of the society.
I decided to make notes during the lecture and refer to interesting parts and thank her on behalf of the society.
On cool mornings, I take my coffee and laptop out to check email and make notes.
Make a list of notes of things you need to learn, need to improve on, skills you want to master, people to talk to.
You can add or edit the text on the site, add highlights or other hand drawn notes and make adjustments to the page structure if necessary.
Physical participation - Make everyone physically participate - write on a white board, take notes, walk, move!
It mirrors the construction of musical scores on paper: Notes make up a phrase, phrases make up a part, and parts make up a score.
"The facts they tell you are all in the books they make you go home and take notes from anyway," I thought. "If I was allowed to get on with that during the day, I could take the evenings off."
The goal of Release 3.0 was to build further on what Lotus Notes already was, to make the user interface cooler and more up-to-date, and to evolve it further as a cross-platform product.
Release 3.0的目标是在LotusNotes已取得的成就的基础上,建立更漂亮、更时尚的用户界面,使其进一步成为一种跨平台产品。
On occasion we have had development teams make jokes because the leads are never without their tracking spreadsheet in hand, always asking questions and making notes.
You can download a plug-in that makes your job easier, but you need to make sure that everyone on the team uses it in the same way and has access to the same notes about it.
If you make sure to backup all your files on an external hard drive or online storage system, you'll never have to worry about losing your notes at the last minute.
And all of those long notes are coming on the downbeat so that's how we start to hear that as a downbeat and that's how we know to make our hand go down at that point so that's one way.
But before I start, on the lecture notes 25, there were a couple typos in there that actually didn't make any difference to the final result because they cancel each other out.
Enhancements to the user interface and additions such as productivity editors make Lotus Notes more popular than ever on the desktop.
I've already read a number of books on the iPad and have particularly liked the ability to highlight and make notes.
Sit in the local coffee shop and politely eavesdrop on nearby conversations. Make notes of the exchanges between two people.
On the other hand, if you take notes in the form of a learning map you will follow the natural thinking process and make leaps when your thoughts leap.
That way, you'll have all the technical notes in the back of your head as you start getting ReiserFS running on your systems, allowing you to make any necessary adjustments along the way.
I started to class and do not listen, textbooks on the spotless and did not make notes.
I started to class and do not listen, textbooks on the spotless and did not make notes.