Watching TV can bring us a lot of pleasure and teach us a lot, but spending too much time on it may do harm tour eyes and make us tired. So we should do sports at times when we are free from work.
This hand tour of the achieve a crazy sports fans dream of - on your mobile phone to make the rapid motion of the ski!
We'll make a walking tour of some of the works of art on campus, and each of you will be responsible for giving a brief bio on one artist.
Thierry Henry is expected to make his first appearance in a Barcelona shirt on the club's pre-season tour of Scotland.
Florida residents Larry and Nicole Ford marry in Las Vegas and make a stop on Fremont Street to view the legendary Vegas signs as part of their wedding photo tour of the Strip.
Florida residents Larry and Nicole Ford marry in Las Vegas and make a stop on Fremont Street to view the legendary Vegas signs as part of their wedding photo tour of the Strip.