In many parts of Europe August can be the hottest month of the year so if you're going on holiday, make sure you're prepared.
The holiday season can make finding matching outfits difficult if they are done on short notice.
How can you make employees focus on their responsibilities rather than the tins of vendor-donated holiday treats?
This will be the first holiday season in which electronics makers can focus on selling Blu-ray players without the added burden of having to make an argument for the format.
I make my holiday coincide with the children's school holiday, so we can go on vacation together.
"Make it a day on, not a day off" has become the unofficial slogan for the holiday.
Since yesterday, I discussed with my father on how to make my mother happy over the holiday.
The emir is due to make an official announcement on Tuesday, which has been declared a national holiday.
When I first went to the United States, I was flabbergasted to find that parents would charge their college-age children for the phone calls they make while at home on holiday.
We saw an 'Inside day' on Friday which is not surprising as it was a holiday in the US and an early close for the Exchanges. As we failed to make new highs prices fell back in very thin volume.
All department managers should make proper arrangements before the holiday and someone on duty during these dates when necessary.
After my attempt I was sent on holiday, then to a therapist, then on a yoga course with a 'yoga specialist', all kinds of things to make me forget and get the taste for life back.
Monica and Rachel, low on funds, make cookies to give instead of cash as holiday tips to the paperboy, the mailman, the superintendent, etc.
Based on the historical culture and natural scenery, the project plans to make the Yunv Lake Scenic Spot a modern tourist place that integrates tourism, culture and holiday.
Based on the historical culture and natural scenery, the project plans to make the Yunv Lake Scenic Spot a modern tourist place that integrates tourism, culture and holiday.