However, if these pictures are not only flashed very briefly but are also hard to make out to begin with and have a grainy pattern displayed right after them, they often cannot be seen.
If I'm basically just squeezing jello, that is, I'm trying to make the problem simpler, but the combination turns out to be really complex.
I'll make the cheque out to you and put it in the post this afternoon.
If your request is for information about a child, please contact the registrar to find out how to make such a request.
My eyes were becoming accustomed to the gloom and I was able to make out a door at one side of the room.
I'll just read through the form again to make sure I haven't missed anything out.
David made a gesture, spreading out his hands as if he were showing that he had no explanation to make.
Many people do fun things to make themselves stand out, like wear silly clothes or do things instead of just running.
Instead of finding things out for themselves, they make assumptions that often turn out to be wrong.
Someone claims that the governor is being pushed out by Katangan tribal leaders to make room for Mr. Kabila's brother, Zoe.
A German alchemist called Johann Friedrich Bottger was asked by the king to make gold out of lead.
But now, that insurance has run out for him, and he has to make tough choices.
The King put on his spectacles and looked anxiously round, to make out who was talking.
You want high-temperature bricks, what are you going to make them out of?
Fazio said, many students would like to move out, but university housing policies may make it hard to leave.
Because ConAgra felt the product would be an impulse purchase, it was important to make the item stand out in the freezer case.
In fact , it might reappear to the extent that scholars could make out and even decipher the original text.
If you want to make your plan more convincing, you need to flesh out it with more examples.
If Sid really managed to make anything out of Tom's disjointed mutterings, he kept it to himself.
In recent years, some parents will make mountains out of molehills when students are asked to do some chores in schools.
On that day, thousands of people all around the world reached out to make new connections with others.
That's enough to make a connection, and this connection can turn out to be more beneficial than we might suspect.
Some have compared the Hollywood studio system to a factory, and it is useful to remember that studios were out to make money first and art second.
To make matters worse, the candle went out and father and son were left in the dark.
The idea puzzled me so much that I stopped for a few seconds to try to make it out.
If you know you're going to be out late, make sure you've got enough money for a taxi to get home again or arrange to stay with friends for the night.
Failing to find any way out, they decided to make a walking journey, as they caught sight of an old hiker's guide.
First, we tried to make the Archimedes'words stand out with a variety of technologies, using ultraviolet light.
Even now that he is working steadily, he said, "I can't afford to pay my monthly mortgage payments on my own, so I have to rent rooms out to people to make that happen."
"I'm going to leave it to those who are in mathematics to work out the ways to make their subject interesting and exciting so students want to take it," Hacker says.