For instance, physics allows you to observe and rationalise the world, but also to integrate observations into models and, sometimes, models into theories or laws that can be used to make predictions.
I won't make predictions, but McKinsey Quarterly has a guess: poorly.
Writers edit the text and identify themes, make predictions, and make notations galore.
Writers edit the text and identify themes, make predictions, and make notations galore.
Writers edit the text and identify themes, make predictions, and make notations galore.
作者编辑文字并且确认主题,作出预测,并做出许多注释。 。
As Samuel Goldwyn so wisely advised, never make predictions-especially about the future.
Writers edit the text and identify themes, make predictions, and make notations galore.
The other part of the report's job is to make predictions about what will happen to the climate.
AS SAMUEL GOLDWYN wisely observed, you should never make predictions, especially about the future.
Facts and reality have proved them wrong every time but they continue to love to make predictions.
Using quantitative data, formulas are developed and then applied to subsequent data to make predictions.
Each one had a set of inputs and techniques they used in their individual spreadsheet to make predictions.
It's a very appealing kind of a priori theory, but the thing about theories is they're supposed to make predictions.
The purpose of the music Genome Project is to make predictions about what kind of music you're going to like next.
Their job is to make predictions based on these observations, and they are well paid by members of the royal court.
Association rule learning searches for relationships between data objects to make predictions, position products, and so on.
关联性规则学习(Association rule learning)搜寻数据对象之间的关系,以做出预言、定位产品,等等。
Predictive analytics is where software uses various historical data sources to make predictions about future events or behavior.
We build models and make predictions for the currency exchange rate, the prediction errors of adaptive modeling method decrease.
Use mathematical models to find optimal results, make predictions, draw conclusions, and check whether the results are reasonable.
She said that because no one can make predictions about earthquakes far in advance, people in high-risk areas always need to be prepared.
The basic approach to tagging customers is to utilize historical retention data to make predictions about active customers regarding.
Affective forecasting is the process by which people look into their future and make predictions about what they'll like and what they won't like.
Before macro economic data, such as the CPI figures, are released to the public, some foreign and domestic organizations often make predictions.
Modeling the linguistic data found in corpora can help us to understand linguistic patterns, and can be used to make predictions about new language data.
If we can understand the volcano's history, what the volcano is capable of, only then can we start to make predictions of what it might do in the future.
Taken as hypotheses, religious claims do very badly: they are ad hoc, they are arbitrary, they rarely make predictions and when they do they almost never come true.
Taken as hypotheses, religious claims do very badly: they are ad hoc, they are arbitrary, they rarely make predictions and when they do they almost never come true.