How to unify the social property and the economic property in the publication? In order to make profit in the marketing, the key is that pay more attention to the topic-design of the publication.
They misuse the power of newspapers to form public opinion in their favour to make a profit.
Publishers were interested only in books that would sell fairly quickly in sufficient numbers to cover the costs of production and make a profit.
In the end, the fact remains that pharmaceutical companies have every right to make a profit and will continue to find new ways to increase sales.
In order to save cost and make profit, they adopt the worst equipment in dirty conditions, regardless of consumer health.
If it externalizes that cost — in this case by pushing it onto the villagers — it can sell for less, which makes its customers happy and make a bigger profit, which makes its owners happy.
Leverage multiplies the power of your business because with leverage, every dollar you make in profit is multiplied.
借助于这根杠杆,你手里的生意将威力倍增,因为每一分挣到你口袋的利润都会翻倍。可是如果把这个. .。
Credit card companies make a profit from the fees they charge the store and also from the fees collected from customers who pay for their charges in monthly installments.
To the extent that the market has risen in the interim, the managers (and their investors) will make a profit.
The International Rugby Board stands to make far less than the NZ$300m ($228m) profit it cleared in 2007, when France hosted.
Among them is patent Lens, run by CAMBIA, a non-profit research institute, which tries to make it easier to track down relevant patents in a particular field.
Avoid using historical rates in the income statement (or make sure the total net profit is converted at average rate).
"We review the profit forecast, the volume forecast in real time, and we make decisions to change at that point in time, " explained McDonald.
"We want firms to make as much profit as possible, what they have to pay their employees is appropriate," said a fund manager at a hedge fund that holds a stake in Goldman.
We'll enact what's called the Volcker Rule to make sure Banks protected by a safety net like the FDIC can't engage in risky trades for their own profit.
While of course a newspaper must make a profit, the Times should consider what an important role it plays today in the dissemination of information about the world.
This brought a new set of requirements that demanded additional functions in your game environment — the need to leverage the gamer's love of playing (and for you to make the most profit).
In recent years, foundations, venture capitalists and the World Bank have used India as a petri dish for similar for-profit "social enterprises" that seek to make money while filling a social need.
If the stock continues to rise in price in the next few minutes, the day trader sells the shares quickly to make a small profit. Then he looks for another stock to buy.
You should also make an effort to track your company's profit margins, whether or not you own stock in the company.
To counter a slump in consumer products, Olympus had expanded aggressively into medical and life-science equipment, which now make up more than half its net profit.
But, with the soaring rise in the price of basic food staples such as cooking oil, rice and soybeans, Iwan is no longer able to make a profit and fears soon he will not be able to feed his family.
Later in the article, you'll look at device-connectivity issues — you make no profit if your gamers can't reach the game!
If businesses, like the pharmaceutical industry, are driven by the need to make a profit, how can we expect them to invest in R&D for diseases of the poor, who have no purchasing power?
The extra items sold must make enough profit at least to cover the cost of the additional time spent in selling them.
The company reckons it can make enough money from the project to service the debt incurred in constructing the plant and still provide a profit from the beginning.
If you find a deal with $20, 000 in profit potential, how could you expect to get $10, 000 for flipping the property if the rehab investor you flip it to is only going to make $10, 000?
Sony's profit plummeted in the last three months of 2008. The Japanese electronics giant is on course to make a record annual loss.
Sony's profit plummeted in the last three months of 2008. The Japanese electronics giant is on course to make a record annual loss.