Objective: to discuss the cause of newborn asphyxia and make up measures in order to make ready for the forepart prevention and cure of it.
And Abraham hastened into the tent unto Sarah, and said, make ready quickly three measures of fine meal, knead it, and make cakes upon the hearth.
The development and successful application of mobile roof support make ready a new type supporting equipment for mechanized mining of short-wall faces.
Those things have toughened the fiber of our people, have renewed their faith and strengthened their devotion to the institutions we make ready to protect.
To put together, connect parts and plumbing, or otherwise make ready for use. This term is usually reserved for the installation of a blowout preventer stack.
The bidder shall make ready one original and four copies of the bid document and a USB disk. Each bid document shall be clearly marked as "original" or "copy".
So that department of sports and communication must be work together as quickly as possible, to improve the competitive ability, and make ready for talent and tech…
On small quantity runs, it is generally less expensive to use the lithographic printing process due to the make ready charges that would be charged for a special order printed with flexography.
Are we ready to make prostitution legal to protect working girls and their rights?
When the slug is ready to make a stalk, more amoebas must die so that others can live.
Rossi needed to take on more craftsmen so they could make sure the orders were ready on time, and then, he also had to set up two new warehouses to make distribution quicker.
The purpose of education is to make all the students ready for the future life.
Now if you have courage and are ready to make a few mistakes, what will you say?
When people are young, meeting and overcoming challenges will make them strong and ready to face life.
Helen was always ready for the lessons, and she tried her best to make her classes lively.
The terrible events surrounding us must be lived as ways to make us ready for our final liberation.
Because it will make you learn and improve faster. It will make you ready for the prime time sooner.
True enough, but Mr Nazarbayev himself looks in fine fettle and does not seem ready to make room for the younger generation.
Seeking advice is a smart thing to do, but before you do, make sure you are ready to accept it.
That is the information your children should get on their own, when they're ready. Your job is to make sure they are ready, and that the get their information safely and accurately.
The same may be true in the euro zone too, but the ECB is not yet ready to make that leap of faith.
More often than not the hair is bought by Italian importers, who wash and process it to make it ready for another person's head.
If you aren't ready to make good on a threat, just don't make it.
InfoQ: what advice do you have for teams looking to implement this approach - what do they need to do to make sure they are ready to make the change?
As China tries to graduate from the world's factory to a nation with a strong middle class, its peasants still aren't ready to make the leap.
For, as Bacon claims, while reading makes a full man, it takes conversation to make him a ready man and writing an exact one.
For, as Bacon claims, while reading makes a full man, it takes conversation to make him a ready man and writing an exact one.