Provided you didn't try to make sense of it, it sounded beautiful.
We want to make sense of it, find the meaning of it, the purpose of it all.
The more information we juggle, the less able we are to make sense of it all.
Listen, read, become a keen observer, and connect the dots to make sense of it all.
Many say that the technology meant to make sense of it often just produces more data.
The reader or listener has to become a participant in the story, in order to make sense of it.
They also show how the best books help both to shape the business world and to make sense of it.
Just go with it, even if you can't make sense of it, and accept that some crossed wires could happen.
Budgets are still thin but the pipes are fat with content.So much so that we need new tools to make sense of it.
In this class we're going to explore, throughout the course, what seems natural to us and try to make sense of it.
To live, for Darwin, meant looking and examining and then writing down what he saw and then trying to make sense of it.
But as the time passed, Fisher began to make sense of it: "Maybe it's about learning to soldier up and do your job in life."
The data is "out there" and the processing power to make sense of it is, too: All that is needed is for you to make it happen.
Computers have hugely increased the availability of information, raising the demand for those sharp enough to make sense of it.
Due to the vast amounts of data stored, technology is needed to sift through it, make sense of it, and draw conclusions from it.
The brain needs to compare and contrast loudness, pitch and the phase (timing) of the sounds from the two ears to make sense of it!
Parsing this syntax is equally ambiguous, and you must know the layout of an XML response ahead of time to be able to make sense of it.
However, given the mass of trace addresses that you'll get from an instrumented application, how can you reduce the data to make sense of it?
Whenever a new HL7 messaging standard is released, implementors must make sense of it by analyzing the released XSDs and the underlying model.
Sometimes I don't sleep because I just can't stop trying to make sense of it; then I get upset because no matter how I look at it, it's crazy.
If I told the story of her death, I might understand it better, make sense of it-perhaps even change it. What had happened still seemed implausible.
In many cases, code for applications deployed on WebLogic Server is arbitrarily structured and depends on the build process to make sense of it all.
These are advantages that traditional print maps do not have. If a print map is not clear initially, a person can do very little to make sense of it.
In the meantime, those who want to make sense of it all will have to make do with the factual analysis of John Lanchester, a British writer of fiction.
The article believes that, state auditing department should make sense of it, make suitable conditions for it and establish some proper measures for it.
And the reason for the uncertainty is because these kinds of optical illusions do not reveal any clues about the image's depth to help us make sense of it.
And the reason for the uncertainty is because these kinds of optical illusions do not reveal any clues about the image's depth to help us make sense of it.
And the reason for the uncertainty is because these kinds of optical illusions do not reveal any clues about the image's depth to help us make sense of it.