In 2000, Stephen Rennard, M. D. studied chicken soup for its medicinal properties and found that it has a mild anti-inflammatory effect and does make sick people feel better.
Only in Australia... do supermarkets make sick people walk all the Way to the back of the shop to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front.
Certain types of bacteria are extremely harmful, and it takes only a small number to make you sick.
Also, certain types of bacteria are extremely harmful, and it takes only a small number to make you sick.
From a food safety standpoint, if you have millions or more bacteria on a surface, 0.1% is still enough to make you sick.
From a food safety standpoint if you have millions or more bacteria on a surface, 0.1% is still enough to make you sick.
The medical world is now paying more attention to holistic medicine which is an approach based on the belief that people state of mind can make them sick or speed their recovery from sickness.
In the rare chance that there is a microorganism that can make you sick on the exact spot where the food dropped, you can be fairly sure that the bug is on the food you are about to put in your mouth.
Gender norms and social expectations about caregiving may make it more difficult for men to provide care to sick spouses.
"Gender norms and social ex-pectations about caregiving may make it more difficult for men to provide care to sick spouses,"Karraker said.
“性别规范和关于照料家人的社会期望可能会使男性更难照顾生病的配偶。”Karraker 说。
It will probably be harmful to your stomach and make you feel sick if you make the tea too strong.
The ice cream could make people sick when the truck isn't cleaned before carrying it.
From a food safety standpoint, if you have millions or more bacteria on a surface,0. 1% is still enough to make you sick.
Also, make sure you travel with proper medical insurance, so that if you are sick or injured during your travels, you'll be able to get treatment.
The bacteria in it could make them sick.
These can get into your eyes and make you sick.
Space also has high levels of radiation, energy that can pass through our bodies and make us sick.
Water and crops in polluted areas can make people very sick.
Could it ever be ethical to conduct research that produces sick babies in the hope of figuring out how to make healthy clones?
Still, if public-health officials are to keep ahead of the millions of bacteria and viruses that can potentially make us sick, they're going to need all the help they can get.
And since we figured out that bacteria can make us sick, we've searched for better antibiotics.
E. coli bacteria naturally live in the intestines of humans and many animals. Most kinds of E. coli are harmless but some can make people sick.
Unfortunately, the drug acts like one for curbing alcoholism, so drinking when taking it makes people sick. Dr. Amory is working to make it cocktail-compatible.
It's an illness, this noise, this rush. It can literally make us sick. We become stressed, depressed, fat, burnt out, slain by the slings and arrows of technology.
Food that's been in the freezer too long won't make you sick, but it certainly won't taste its best.
Some medicines may not work well or may make you sick if you take them with alcohol.
Particularly insidious, counterfeit medicines dupe sick people into believing they are taking something which will make them well, when it may instead make them sicker or even kill them.
Yep, if you're single, the pressures of going home can make you sick with anxiety.
SE doesn't make the hen sick. It is also possible for eggs to become infected by Salmonella Enteritidis fecal contamination through the pores of the shells after they're laid.