Make sure that the maximum defined queue depth for this queue is sufficient to store messages, and monitor it to ensure that the maximum depth is not exceeded.
If at all possible, make the necessary preparations and configuration changes to ensure that the action will be available if and when needed, and test to make sure that it works as expected.
Again, to make sure that everything goes right, ask for appropriate legal advice to ensure that you know what you're doing and the document is in fact legally binding.
To ensure that the boot disk has migrated successfully we must make sure that we can boot the system on the new disk.
Because of this, it's critical to ensure that enough instructional matter, good examples, and validation tools are available to make sure that bad examples do not proliferate.
Some applications do their own checking to ensure that relationships between tables are valid; that is, they might read a parent row to make sure it exists, before inserting a child row.
Make sure that the file, objectevents.xml, and the script, are in the same directory and ensure that the script is executable.
确保将objectevents . xml文件和这个脚本放在同一个目录中,并确保脚本是可执行的。
Ensure that the ONLY content you want to change are within the little single 'quotes'. Make sure EVERYTHING is spelled right and that you are sure this is correct.
To ensure that the data of your RMS isup to date, you have to make sure that the night audit in the PMS is completed on time.
To ensure that there is sufficient fresh linen for the function, and make sure that all soiled lined is returned to the laundry to be washed.
However, you will also want to make sure that you have enough structure to ensure that your schedule really is meaningful.
However, you will also want to make sure that you have enough structure to ensure that your schedule really is meaningful.