Make sure you know the names of the winners of sporting events, Oscars and TV shows.
In addition, if it's a SCSI drive, make sure you know its SCSI ID number.
Before you get a piercing, make sure you know if you're allergic to any metals.
If you read other sources that use IoC, make sure you know what the author means.
Before you start to read, make sure you know what the author expects you to know.
One last word of caution: Always make sure you know whom you are doing business with.
Make sure you know your regular expressions, flow control, and default variable operations.
You'd better make sure you know how to use a computer. It'll be very useful in your future.
Generally you want to always make sure you know where the audience is looking within the shot.
I am sending this message to cutters : Make sure you know what you're doing if you can't stop yourself.
Make sure you know if you have quarterly or annual goals to aim for and how they impact your daily tasks.
Have a look at your telescope and make sure you know where these adjustment screws are and how they work.
Make sure you know if you have quarterly or annual goals to aim for and how they impact your daily tasks.
Make sure your spare has air in it, and also make sure you know where all of the included tire-changing tools are.
But ask your doctor if this is the best drug for your depression and make sure you know about any interactions.
If it is in an office, make sure you know the floor and if you need any type of security credentials like a photo ID.
But don't let anyone tell you they are a waste of money... just make sure you know what you're getting and use it right.
To avoid misunderstandings like this, make sure you know what the goals are for your job and how your boss measures success.
If you move into any place other than your own private home, make sure you know what the rules are about pets if you have one.
Make yourself calm down before doing everything, and give yourself a reason to make sure you know why and what exactly you're doing.
If someone offers of you shot of 151, turn it down—Should you accept the shot, make sure you know the location of the nearest toilet.
Give a general overview and connect your experience with the reason for applying for the job. Make sure you know your C. V. very well!
It's a very funny poem, and you've got triplet rhymes there to make sure you know that Frost is joking, and it feels like light verse.
Make sure you know what you're aiming to focus on, either the droplet or the resulting splash and aim your camera and focus accordingly.
Make sure you know what you're aiming to focus on, either the droplet or the resulting splash and aim your camera and focus accordingly.