No, no, no not rest life, don't make the deadline, just let me know, you are trustable…
When we are afraid that nothing else will work, or that we won't make the deadline, or that others might not respond, we often resort to coercive power, or the power to do something to someone.
I wonder if we could get someone to review our work for us a few days before the deadline so we can make some final changes.
To really make the clean SLATE method work for you, it's helpful to set a purge deadline.
In the summer they failed to make Mr Bush accept a deadline for withdrawing troops from Iraq.
Please note that only those participants who have submitted statements in writing by the deadline stated below will be invited to make an oral statement at the hearing.
First, you'll be able to prepare the person well in advance if you are going to miss the deadline so he or she can make necessary adjustments.
When the deadline arrives, make sure that all users are finished, then cut access to the server by either shutting down database services or unplugging the database from the network.
If you have a tendency to delay acting on your financial goals, Mr. Place says, make a list of the pros and cons and give yourself a deadline to decide — and stick to it.
And one of them will be filmed, too, so that if you can't actually make any of the times not to worry, that video will go online sometime Tuesday in plenty of time for Friday's pset deadline.
As soon as the boss tells you to do it and you passively accept the ridiculous deadline, you make it your responsibility to meet it.
If you think you can make it to the deadline there is no reason to get nervous... And if you don't think you can make it, try anyway.
Perhaps they have a final project or tight deadline, but don't want to make a long-term commitment to the purchase or setup of complete systems from scratch.
Make sure volunteers are willing to make aspecific time commitment and finish the project by the deadline you give.
Mr.Perry says either a non-negotiable deadline will force action, or the procrastinator will gather enough information and confidence to make them appear less daunting.
佩里先生说,要么不可商榷的截止期限会促使拖延时间者行动,要么他/ 她能积聚足够的信息和自信使大任务看上去没那么可怕。
Mr. Perry says either a non-negotiable deadline will force action, or the procrastinator will gather enough information and confidence to make them appear less daunting.
佩里先生说,要么不可商榷的截止期限会促使拖延时间者行动,要么他/ 她能积聚足够的信息和自信使大任务看上去没那么可怕。
If there are more moves to be made before the Feb. 24 trade deadline, we resolve to make them.
You tell the manager that the deadline can’t be met and you’re told, “I don’t care; make it happen.”
Make sure any contracts you agree to and sign include a deadline for work completion and allow for your own inspection to verify the quality of work and materials.
After a month of regular inspections, the Safety Committee shall verify the test results one by one, issue potential note, make the completion deadline.
With the Copenhagen deadline fast approaching, the question on everybody's lip is: can we make it?
And this would make the structure failure before it's service deadline, and lead to a grate economic loss.
Couldn't you make it eight weeks instead of ten? That would give us enough time to assemble the machine and meet the deadline set by our customer.
However, he set a spring 2007 deadline to make the move and passed up the opportunity when that elapsed.
However, he set a spring 2007 deadline to make the move and passed up the opportunity when that elapsed.