After years of observing human nature, I have decided that two qualities make the difference between men of great achievement and men of average performance—curiosity and discontent.
One of the first features of language a child learns well is to control the rise and fall of the voice to make the difference between stating and questioning.
Keeping your head may make the difference between life and death. 2 When fire breaks out.
Live by a higher standard and pay attention to the details that really do make the difference.
This sounds trivial but it can make the difference between a commercial and a non-commercial process.
And that could make the difference between your plant running nice and smoothly or your plant exploding.
Raising the retirement age by a year or two can make the difference between the solvency and insolvency of pensions.
The report says this can make the difference between life and death for mother and child if complications arise.
For farmers, that can make the difference between crop failure and a bumper crop of more than 1, 000 tons of wheat.
EMAs make the difference between students being able to attend college and complete their course or being priced out.
If we don't adopt a proactive mindset, no amount of perfect guys will make the difference, because you won't meet them!
Unlike Super Tuesday, Obama will have time to focus on specific states and his campaign skills will make the difference.
After all, if you want to become fit, it's the small regular moments of exercise that make the difference in the long run.
Once a paper is complete a standardized review process can make the difference between an average essay and a great essay.
An injection of oxytocin immediately after delivery can stop the bleeding and can make the difference between life and death.
But do more than that: Retaining even one key tip from this column could make the difference between a small "oops" and a major catastrophe.
They can make the difference between a successful data warehouse and a "data garbage dump," where gigabytes of data are stored but unusable.
The paperless office shows how a sociological shift can make the difference: although the technology did not change very much, its users did.
A few discussions, a few exchanges of ideas and a little tweaking here and there can make the difference between a satisfied client and one who is not!
Small business owners are often quick to throw money at flatlining growth, thinking that more marketing and more advertising will make the difference.
Too often people don't do anything because they think they will kill the patient, but by learning simple rules you could make the difference between life and death.
Timely, appropriate and safe blood transfusion during and after Labour and delivery can make the difference between life and death for many women and their newborns.
It is particularly important that all births are attended by skilled health professionals, as timely management and treatment can make the difference between life and death.
In this dismal job market, a resume that stands out from the crowd can make the difference between getting hired -- or at least making it to the interview stage -- and getting nowhere.
如今,就业市场惨淡。 求职者是淹没在竞争者的汪洋大海之中,还是赢得面试机会,甚至最终被录用,可能就取决于简历能否脱颖而出。
The simple brush stroke of a painting can be the difference between a good painting and a bad painting. A couple of words can make the difference between an average piece and an inspiring piece.
The heavy snow didn't make a difference to the international airlines.
Her salary can make a difference between the financial struggle and secure financial situation for her family.
They have a different kind of superpower that all of us possess: the power to make a difference in the lives of others.
However, the serious programs and the drama didn't make a difference to pain at all.
However, the serious programs and the drama didn't make a difference to pain at all.