Isanti County is scheduled to make the switch to the 800 mega hertz radio system in May.
But will you want to make the switch? That depends on what's important to you.
"How do you make the switch?" she asks Franny when she realizes she's only halfway there.
Shop, compare and then make the switch to an auto insurance company that is right for you.
The following example shows you how you can make the Switch IP a default gateway to the RoCE network.
The nurse was happy to make the switch, and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone.
If you'd rather have those controls back on the right-hand side, it's pretty easy to make the switch back.
When the browser vendors realized how hard it was going to be to make the switch to XHTML 2, things just broke down.
当浏览器厂商意识到想要过渡到 XHTML2有多困难时,事情就不了了之了。
On the other hand if you are still using Xcode 3 only to avoid the Xcode 4 learning curve it is time to make the switch.
After considering information from both sides, the WIAA, in part out of fear of legal action, decided to make the switch.
If you or someone you know is looking to make the switch to Gmail, check the list of supported email hosts and give it a go.
Microsoft made this change to help ease confusion for businesses getting new PCs but aren't able to make the switch just yet.
Since building up the infrastructure to make the switch takes time, traditional texts will still be used during the transition.
And even if there were, many of those already in the workforce lack both the confidence and the capability to make the switch.
Q: What is your best advice for those who see the film and are inspired to make the switch to a plant-based diet for the first time?
But persuading my colleagues, who are less email-obsessed than I am, to make the switch at the same time would have been too hard.
Also consider that you will have to "unlearn" Smart Mode flying once you're comfortable enough to make the switch to normal flying.
(Laughter.) Now, Joe Biden rightly deserves a lot of credit for convincing Arlen to make the switch, but Secretary Clinton actually had a lot to do with it too.
Overall, I haven’t missed the Google services one bit. I really thought it would be harder to make the switch, but it was fast, fairly easy, and without glitches.
Aimed to stimulate demand for broadband within Wales - the Journal charts the adventures of the Jones family as they make the switch from dialup to broadband.
Despite previously expressing his desire to remain on Merseyside, the Basque playmaker has hinted that he could indeed make the switch to Serie A this summer.
Within each context, each author's interpretation of the term makes sense, but readers must make the switch between contexts on their own, which is often not easy.
But even in Denmark, one of the most environmentally conscious nations in the world, skepticism abounds. It is not clear that car buyers can be persuaded to make the switch.
The timer circuits in accordance with the prescribed time interval control online and offline tower, thus make the switch of dry air and desiccant can continuously regeneration.
The ebXML Working Group was left with a choice -- either continue with their own XML-messaging specification or make the switch over to use the SOAP With Attachments specification.
ebXML 工作组面临着一个选择 --或者继续使用他们自己的 XML 消息传递规范,或者转而采用带附件的SOAP 规范。
At this point it is not known how keen Wright-Phillips is on a move to East London - but the relegation-threatened Hammers will be hoping to convince the 25-year-old to make the switch.
At this point it is not known how keen Wright-Phillips is on a move to East London - but the relegation-threatened Hammers will be hoping to convince the 25-year-old to make the switch.