Use of Akan food ingredients, enjoy Akan spa, View the Akan scenery to make you feel comfortable!
Arms: Will always make you feel comfortable in them and to offer hugs when you need one. Will try to warm when you are cold.
We will try the best we can to make you feel comfortable and have the most memorable visit to Thailand, the "Land of Smiles".
Not all bar design in little neighborhood dives is the same, but it is all designed to make you feel comfortable and at home.
Don't feel pressurised into moving faster or taking more risks than make you feel comfortable. Just because you can filter doesn't mean you must.
Make sure that you dress in clothes that make you feel comfortable and choose colors that compliment your skin tone and avoid clothes that tend to wrinkle easily.
Remember that those listening to you want to make you feel comfortable and at ease. If you feel that they are talking or laughing too much, they are probably trying to break the tension for you.
"Guest first, service first" is our aim and to make you feel comfortable, enjoyable and satisfied is our responsibility. I hope our efforts will bring you a lot of fun and really a worthwhile trip.
Wearing the right clothes for running may make you feel more confident and comfortable when running in public.
Soak in a tub to which you've added a few tablespoons of the powder. It will ease the itching and make you feel more comfortable while the rash heals.
Also, keep in mind that sometimes the person who is interviewing you might also be nervous.Do what you can to feel as comfortable as possible, so you, in turn, can make them feel more comfortable.
Also, keep in mind that sometimes the person who is interviewing you might also be nervous. Do what you can to feel as comfortable as possible, so you, in turn, can make them feel more comfortable.
You can easily place the odds in your favor by making sure that you’re in a comfortable environment and doing an activity that you’re good at. (Read how to make a girl feel comfortable)
When you make an attempt to change your habits, you feel more comfortable just saying you're going to do it than actually doing it.
Wearing the right clothes for running may make you feel more comfortable when running in public.
But downplaying the situation won't help him come to terms with his own passing or make him feel comfortable sharing it with you.
Easygoing, you are most happy when taking care of others. you make people feel comfortable around you and they always ask for your advice when they have problems.
Again, it's wonderful to be comfortable in your own skin, but make sure you're dressing this way because it makes you feel good, not because you believe it's the only way you'll get attention.
Make these potential customers feel comfortable purchasing items at your site, and let it be known that all transactions made with you are safe.
A born diplomat, you dislike discord so much that you will go out of your way to make others feel comfortable and at ease.
Always saying polite words will make others feel comfortable and repected, then when you need help they are willing to give you a hand.
In your due diligence, find out how the most successful franchisees spend their time and make sure you feel comfortable with those activities before selecting the franchise.
An informal style may make listeners feel more comfortable when you are speaking, but a formal writing style can make a good impression.
Make sure you and the seller understand exactly what is coming with the home before you sign the contract, and list the items on the contract if it makes you feel more comfortable.
Tip: Wear clothes you feel comfortable in. Now is not the time to experiment with a whole new look that may make you feel self-conscious or awkward.
Don't be too harsh on yourself or too self-critical, if you really feel you can't do something at this moment - take a break, make yourself comfortable, even spoil yourself a little.
You cannot focus upon stories about money that make you feel uncomfortable and allow into your experience what makes you feel comfortable.
Before investing in a membership fee, attend one or two events to be sure that you feel comfortable and that you will make valuable connections.
Journalists have to get information from people who are otherwise not sharing it, so you have to know how to make people feel comfortable and trusting enough to tell that information to you.
Journalists have to get information from people who are otherwise not sharing it, so you have to know how to make people feel comfortable and trusting enough to tell that information to you.