He has been a sales assistant here for nine years, before which he was a makeup artist.
I know a makeup artist who really understands makeup and is also well known for it.
I set the light in the company's conference room while the makeup artist prepared the staff.
"It's about the 'natural nude face' -- that's what I call it, " says makeup artist Bobbi Brown.
Hiromi Yamamoto, a respected TV hair and makeup artist, says, "All of Asia is ruled by a youth culture."
The makeup artist saw I was absorbed in her words, and continued, "Isn't it like your writing articles?"
After two and a half hours, all equipment was packed, and I and my makeup artist was done with our photo assignment.
I rose and saluted to the makeup artist for her wisdom, and felt ashamed of my original views on makeup artists.
The next minute he was asking whether Sian Grigg, his Hoover makeup artist, could be given recognition in this article.
I wanted to contact a good makeup artist and then contact a good model to plan its own set of themes of a good play.
I am searching for the fashion designer, clothing collocation divisioner, model, retoucher, makeup artist to cooperation.
Don't you think it should say "Rita Haynes applies brush more professionally than any other makeup artist on television?"
你们不觉得他们应该说“丽塔•海尼丝比电视业内其他任何一位化妆师运用化妆刷子的功夫都要娴熟” 吗?
Add in a talented makeup artist as a collaborator and be sure to try many options and you will find that the sky is the limit.
"We're proud of the fact that our masks look real, but I'm not proud of the way they were used," said Slusser, a 39-year-old former makeup artist.
Whether you're a photographer, model, designer, hair or makeup artist, editor, booker or producer - anyone can have his own account on Lexposure.net.
The process was not only mental: she also had to put on 12 kilograms, and a makeup artist turned her nearly flawless face into a mask of tragedy.
If you are not a professional makeup artist, it'll better if you avoid using glittery and shimmery eye shadow. Very few succeed in applying it anyways.
The makeup artist also snuck into Jackson's purpose-built shower that was always carefully sanitized and supplied with ultra-clean, plastic-wrapped towels.
Yin Li, a 27-year-old bridal makeup artist, said she had to work throughout the holiday, without the help of her assistant, who was also fully booked during the week.
Yin Li, a 27-year-old bridal makeup artist, said she had to work throughout the holiday, without the help of her assistant, who was also fully booked during the week.