Market information is making known the prices of the different commodities in the market, the supply and the demand.
I am at present in Hamburg visiting the harbour with a view to making known our new type of container for use in Europe.
我现正在汉堡参观港口 ,以让欧洲了解并使用我们的新型集装箱。
For your servant's sake, o LORD, and according to your own heart, you have done all this greatness, in making known all these great things.
O LORD, for thy servant's sake, and according to thine own heart, hast thou done all this greatness, in making known all these great things.
Article 22: the recipient should subject itself to supervision by the society by making known to the public its receipt of donations, as well as its use and management of the donated assets.
She had no inhibitions about making her opinions known.
I think she is to be commended for making an effort to include anecdotes about little-known female scientists.
I think she has to be commended for making an effort to include anecdotes about little known female scientists.
Unlike authoritarian management, some cultures, particularly in Asia, are well known for the consultative nature of decision-making—all members of the department or work group are asked to contribute to this process.
Making these estimates may be difficult until message processing rates are known and real customers are using the system.
It orbits a red dwarf star about 28, 000 light-years away, making it the most distant exoplanet currently known.
So, this discovery pushes the existence of the Nephila back to the Jurassic Period, making them the longest ranging spider genus known.
For reasons known only to nature, color explodes across coral reefs, making them Earth's most vivid landscapes.
Cultural neuroscience wouldn't be making waves if it found neurobiological bases only for well-known cultural differences.
You have been given the privilege of making what is commonly known as an "executive" decision.
This giant string of galaxies is 1.4 billion light years across making it the largest known structure in the universe.
HIV prevention should be comprehensive, making use of all approaches known to be effective rather than just implementing one or a few select actions in isolation.
It is well known that effective virtualization can improve asset utilization making servers, storage, network and other capabilities more modular and hence more reusable.
One way to achieve these objectives is to have teams selecting and making use of well-known software development best practices in their projects.
Until more is known about the outbreak in Mexico, no one should be making any bold predictions, experts say.
He also became well known for being something of a philanthropist, making multi-million dollar donation to hospitals, cancer charities and Jewish groups.
One of the lesser known parts of my job is making introductions.
“You need booze here just to keep going, ” says a consultant from a small European country known for its beer-making monks.
来自一个欧洲小国的顾问说:“这里的生活要继续就必须有酒。” 他的国家以酒肉和尚闻名。
“You need booze here just to keep going,” says a consultant from a small European country known for its beer-making monks.
来自一个欧洲小国的顾问说:“这里的生活要继续就必须有酒。” 他的国家以酒肉和尚闻名。
"We want to pre-empt any auction of Gandhi items in the future by making it known that selling or buying these heritage articles is illegal," the official was quoted as saying.
First, it ensures that you have a baseline of known-good, signed-off functionality before making any non-functional changes.
The northern reaches of the Pacific Northwest are particularly well-suited to and well known for ice wine making.
The northern reaches of the Pacific Northwest are particularly well-suited to and well known for ice wine making.