I am making my way through Columbia University, surrounded by students who quickly supply the verbal answer while I am still processing the question.
Seems right now, that all Ihave done in my life was making my way here to you.
Seems right now, that all l've ever done in my life was making my way here to you.
Seems right now, that all l've ever done in my life was making my way here to you.
He came to speak to me when everything was over and I was making my way to the cemetery gate.
Pushing and shoving, like a man swimming for land, I started making my way toward the toilet.
I flicked on the lights as I went-bedroom, hall, stairs-making my way down toward the ringing bell.
Robert Kincaid: Seems right now, that's all I've ever done in my life was making my way here to you.
Kate: Well, I left my house late and when the competition started, I was still making my way to school.
The next day, I landed a job cleaning bricks, then moved into a boardinghouse and slowly started making my way back.
As I was making my way down, I stopped to speak with a couple who were climbing together and hoping to reach the summit.
Thus, when I saw the distant light of fire while making my way through the thick Tristram forest, I welcomed the company of fellow travelers.
He would be asleep, allowing me to crawl into his bed and snuggle with him like we used to. I slid open the door, quietly making my way inside...
My earliest distinct recollection of my father is making my way through great drifts of newspapers to his side and finding him alone, holding a sheet of paper before his face.
Something is usually said about Kafka in connection with Wise Blood, but I have never succeeded in making my way through The Castle or The Trial, and I wouldn't pretend to know anything about Kafka.
How could I be? Maybe I should be making my way to the Pearly Gates, but I had no sense of direction when I was alive so I had no chance of finding my way now as a spirit, if indeed that is what I am.
I am improving my tree design model to see if it could be a new way of making panel arrays.
My first boss treated me in such an honest, respectful, caring way I felt valuable, as if I was making an important contribution.
"My dad flew to Elizabeth's side, making his way slowly to her front," Carrie Fisher wrote in the Daily Mail.
At the same time, I would want an abundant attitude to life with ample time to enjoy the fruits of my work, whilst also making a difference to the world in some way.
Having begged my way into an internship with the senator, I spent most of my time making copies, keeping records and answering phones.
And this time, after making a big deal about how grown up I was, there was no way I could admit that I had less than zero idea of where my homework or anything else in my backpack was.
Would I personally be happy making the changes in my way of life that would be necessary?
Part of making this transition involves a willingness on your part to engage him in dialog — to "give and take" on some issues instead of simply telling him "it's my way or the highway!"
Way back, making my heart is relaxed in the car a lot, he is not my cousin had a child in mind.
By the way, I also learned some computer skills in my free time, making me an expert on computer.
By the way, I also learned some computer skills in my free time, making mean expert on computer.
By the way, I also learned some computer skills in my free time, making mean expert on computer.