Does the child have trouble making sense of time or understanding the order of events, like yesterday, today and tomorrow?
For many people, the initial sense of urgency to create easily dies away because it requires making the tough decision: taking the time to create, stealing it from yourself if it's the only way.
One of the keys to making something "smarter," in our sense of the word, is to instrument systems or services in order to provide real time information about what is really happening (Figure 2).
Of course, we don't always realize at the time that we aren't making sense - sometimes we earnestly believe we are saying (or thinking) something meaningful.
The happiest find ways to feel useful, giving them a sense of purpose and making their time feel meaningful.
There was a sense this was a hugely important moment in a show we've been making all this time and it was Amanda's exit from a show that she's been part of for a few years.
Through guidance teaching of the backsliding technique and by making good use of people's visual sense, correct sense of time, space and correct action position can be set up through exercises.
Increase the sense of time, be punctual and trustworthy, and trustworthy to work, making friends, National Cheng Kung University business.
Increase the sense of time, be punctual and trustworthy, and trustworthy to work, making friends, National Cheng Kung University business.