BOH in applying to thick makings, thick makings.
He had, in other words, the makings of an activist.
Ladies Beautified In this Beauty salon ensure elegant makIngs.
But his history as a great debater endows him with the makings of a good spokesperson.
In future articles, I will provide the makings for statement - and procedure-based handlers.
The serial design styles of red sandalwood are succinct lucid and lively, the makings are superior.
And avoid makings speedy decisions without making sure they really do suit whoever else is involved.
Can make one depending on own intrinsic makings adore, consistent appropriate clothing, elegant makings.
The hand catenary of profusion of much money colour, elegant unsurpassed, with makings fastidious, craft is masterly.
The furniture products of the dark series are steady, implicit, it is eternal topics to have mysterious makings alone.
Add some snapshots, maybe a short video or audio clip and you have the makings of a very serviceable blog post or report.
With a smile disarmingly like Diana's and his fa ther's sense of duty, William has the makings of a thoroughly modern monarch.
Dramatic Hamster is the kind of video you can watch over and over and still not get sick of it - the makings of a true classic.
Rather, each of us has the makings of success in some efforts, but we will achieve this only if we apply our wills and work at it.
In order to remove decoupling question in paper makings process, the paper puts for-ward a new coupling method based on PID Neurons.
If you read about Old Tom, he often stated that in a year or so the course with continuous play had the makings of being a good course.
This group has the makings of a global class whose members have as much in common with each other as with the poor in their own countries.
Together with other state elections, notably in BJP-run Gujarat, 2012 has the makings of a "mini-general election year", says one party man.
The criterion used by the thesis to judge whether disclosure is full, is meeting needs from information users for economic decision-makings.
Soon, you'll have the makings of a task-oriented solution information center without needing information development or user experience skills.
We really don't know where or when the "big one" will hit, but geologic evidence shows that the northwest coast of the U.S. has all the makings.
Proper elementary composition teaching can cultivate and strengthen pupil various makings and also improve the pupils' ability of using language.
When you don’t understand what the heck is going on or if someone’s actions just aren’t makings sense, it’s likely you don’t have all the information.
With technology giants Google and Microsoft getting into the picture, “we have the makings of very robust mobile-search capabilities,” says Mr Miller.
With technology giants Google and Microsoft getting into the picture, "we have the makings of very robust mobile-search capabilities," says Mr Miller.
Add to that a high tolerance of risk, born of a long history and an ever-present danger of attack, and you have the makings of an entrepreneurial firecracker.
Add to that a high tolerance of risk, born of a long history and an ever-present danger of attack, and you have the makings of an entrepreneurial firecracker.