They hope this will help in developing better mosquito attractants that will divert them away from humans and reduce the threat of malaria infection.
Malaria is spread by mosquito bites.
The problem of mosquito resistance to insecticides also appears to be growing, although to date has not been linked to widespread failure of malaria vector control efforts.
The corrected data, supplemented by additional observations on rainfall and mosquito habitats, indicated that there had probably been no malaria transmission before starting the control operations.
The idea that helping mosquitoes, rather than destroying them, may be the way to eradicate malaria is pleasingly counterintuitive, even if it would mean more mosquito bites at night.
通过要“帮助”蚊子,而不是消灭他们,也许可以成为根除疟疾的方法。 这是一种令人愉悦,而又违反直觉的想法,即使这可能使你在晚上被更多的蚊子叮咬。
Parasite resistance to anti-malarial medicines and mosquito resistance to insecticides are major threats to achieving global malaria control.
Symptoms of malaria include fever, headache, and vomiting, and usually appear between 10 and 15 days after the mosquito bite.
疟疾的症状包括发烧、头痛和呕吐,通常在蚊子叮咬后10- 15天显现。
There's ready supply of fresh recruits nearby, where an intern feeds a saucer of goat blood to a colony of Anopheles stephensi, one species of mosquito that transmits malaria.
For individuals personal protection against mosquito bites represents the first line of defence for malaria prevention.
By using the fungus to kill off mosquito larvae in the water, the insects never get a chance to infect anyone with malaria.
Although plasmodia are ultimately responsible for malaria and its deadly consequences, the disease spreads through mosquito bites.
And then there's Myhrvold's favorite -- a laser mosquito zapper that can tell the difference between males, which aren't carriers of malaria, and females, which are.
It finds that more countries are introducing the newest medicines to treat malaria, and that more people are receiving long-lasting insecticide-treated mosquito nets through innovative new programmes.
Insecticide-treated nets are mosquito nets treated with insecticides which repel, disable or kill the vector mosquitoes which transmit malaria.
In fact, on average a child in Africa dies every 30 seconds from a malaria infection caused by the bite of a mosquito.
Malaria is endemic, yet only 17% of children under five in this country sleep under mosquito nets.
Scientists say they’ve developed a genetically modified mosquito that won’t transmit the malaria pathogen, but there’s no word on whether that will make the bites any less itchy.
In 2001, the Ministry of Health of Kenya developed the new national strategy for malaria control targeting increased coverage of insecticide treated mosquito nets.
Personal protection from malaria through the use of insecticide-treated mosquito nets has a proven track record of saving lives, particularly children's.
THE hotel provides free mosquito repellent and closes its pool bar before dusk to prevent guests from contracting malaria.
And malaria will be more common as the mosquito which carries it moves into countries which were formerly too cold.
About 60 species of the Anopheles mosquito are vectors of the malaria parasite, which are transmitted to humans when the female feeds on blood.
About 60 species of the Anopheles mosquito are vectors of the malaria parasite, which are transmitted to humans when the female feeds on blood.