Changed: Updated all male face meshes, beards and hair for better facial animation.
Similarly, a male face betrays the owner's underlying aggressiveness and even his business acumen.
However, the modern male face still exhibits some 'fighting features' that are less prominent in females.
Leehom is fronting a contact lens commercial for Bausch & Lomb after becoming the company's first male face in Asia.
Methods According to the distribution features of skin and hair in the male face, the flap assigment at the incision point was improved.
The average male face has a squared forehead, slightly raised eyebrows, moderate sized eyes with double-fold eyelids, a high nose and a narrow and thick mouth.
I never really thought that much about it until recently when I was asked to write a brief overview of how male face shapes impact men's hairstyles and ultimate image.
Bright blue male splendid fairy-wrens, instead of fleeing in the face of danger, sing a distinctive song when a butcherbird is in the area.
Now there was Herto. As the broad, heavy-browed male skull emerged from its matrix of sand, it proved the perfect face for the out of Africa theory.
The face made up of the features of the most maternal women was judged as more feminine by a group of male and female volunteers.
A new report by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization says one of the best ways would be to remove the barriers women farmers face that male farmers do not.
Since nearly all senior male company workers in Japan have played mahjong at one point in their life, learning the game can be your key to getting some face time with the big shots in the top ranks。
Some individuals judged an androgynous face as female every time it appeared in the upper right corner of the screen, while others saw it as male.
They randomly gathered 20 images of 25 male celebrities on the Internet and fed the photos into a face recognition system that had a database of 31-thousand photos of famous faces.
The artist's reconstruction - a face that could be male or female - is based on the partial skull and jawbone found in a cave where bears were known to hibernate.
For long term 75% of male participants wanted to see the face, but for short term flings 50% of men chose face and 50% chose the body.
Companies found to have unjustifiable discrepancies between male and female redundancy rates are being warned they face court.
Of fowls also of the air by sevens, the male and the female; to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth.
Hearing the voice of Baoyong, the male turned his face and had a look at her. Trenchant eyes stayed at her face for a moment and restrained immediately.
Should can't be namely male, the eyes sweep toward the man who signs one face ice frost in the hall, Chu's breeze as well had some captivation.
The "easy Ru" male swiftly pushes away her to watch her own petticoat associate, now metal gray above the face.
If she is a reason woman, she definitely also in front of yours nabs for fully your face, will let you be the male chauvinist who in front of the friend will be indomitable spirit.
The second patient, a 29-year-old male, suffered from a seriously disfiguring facial tumor in the middle and lower parts of his face, classified as a neurofibroma.
Good watching TV, suddenly one of my male colleagues, one to the ability to pinch my face, I can not be angry right?
Good watching TV, suddenly one of my male colleagues, one to the ability to pinch my face, I can not be angry right?