Bones: malleus, incus, stapes.
D CT can vividly demonstrate the shape and spatial relationships of malleus and incus.
Also note the position of the handle of the malleus and inspect the short process of the malleus.
Results (1) The demonstrating rate of the head, neck and handle of malleus on both transverse and coronal plane was 100%. The other structures were seen in different degrees.
结果(1)锤骨头、颈、柄,砧骨体等在横、冠状位上的显示率均为10 0 % ,其余结构在两个位置上的显示率有不同程度的差异。
Between 1487 and 1520, twenty editions of the Malleus were published, and another sixteen editions were published between 1574 to 1669. This book single-handedly launched centuries of witch hunts.
Between 1487 and 1520, twenty editions of the Malleus were published, and another sixteen editions were published between 1574 to 1669. This book single-handedly launched centuries of witch hunts.