With the development of science and technology, a Chinese young man Wang Mengqiu, invented Hover Camera.
Richard Brodsky, the former New York Assemblyman, is talking to a man with a fake Fox News camera made of cardboard.
But he said if someone was willing to record the entire process with a video camera, he would consider helping the old man.
He sets out with his camera with a concept already in mind, before snapping pictures of everyday situations such as a man cycling along a road.
When a mentally disturbed man ran amok and killed people on a tram in Oslo in 2004, it was a reader with a mobile-phone camera who sent VG its front-page picture of the arrest.
I am a man of very many anxieties but doing strange things with the camera is not one of them. "- the guardian."
A man ues a camera on a rocky crest filled with astronomical markers at the megalithic observatory of Kokino, soon after sunrise, early on June 21, 2010 — the day of the summer solstice.
Finally, the camera catches up with the poor man, panting and white-faced, as he realises it was just a joke.
Looking at the new-type camera, the young man with broad shoulders was surprised with his mouth wide open.
They sent a young man with a video camera to follow Obama everywhere he went, hoping to catch him doing something embarrassing.
Look, a man with a camera is coming, he looks like a photographer. Let's ask him.
A. look, a man with a camera is coming, he looks like a photographer. Let's ask him.
Mr Wong was also painted as a man who loved being in front of the camera, with a photo board at his restaurant covered in a who's who of Melbourne posing with him.
A simple editing trick stopped the camera so that a prop man could replaced an unlit saber (which is just a handle) with a lit saber (one with a blade attached).
A simple editing trick stopped the camera so that a prop man could replaced an unlit saber (which is just a handle) with a lit saber (one with a blade attached).