If you manage to do something that you've never done before, you would have achieved something amazing that day.
What if children were taught how to manage their energy with correct breathing rather than be commanded day after day to do something as unnatural as sit still?
This is something that I've always wanted to do, but could never seem to manage.
But if you can just manage to tone down your egos, shape up your minds, and think unfashionable thoughts, you just might be able to do something worthy with your lives.
Those who do manage to hear the starting gun often sabotage their own efforts during the race by doing something really silly.
Clearly, I had to do something to manage my time better, so I came up with the following 10 tenets.
When I remember to "Count to ten, " I can usually manage to do it, but often I say something I regret before it even occurs to me to count to ten.
If I don't manage to get rid of my problems, it will be necessary to do something about it.
If I don't manage to get rid of my problems, it will be necessary to do something about it.