Management Committee looked at the designs and they liked them.
A Management Committee looked at the designs and they liked them.
The place of tender opening: Xi an Qujiang newly developed area Management committee.
The management committee is useful because it allows the worker representative to air their grievance.
This involves understanding the voting process, setting up the project management committee, and other activities.
In charge of the Nanjing Yangtze River Development Zone, Nanjing Chemical Industrial Park Management Committee.
Every month, a management committee looks at all the new ideas and they put development money into some of them.
Organize monthly team member canteen management committee routine meetings, and following up the discussion items.
However, the management committee said the closure was due to software and hardware problems due to the mass flow of visitors.
The cryptographic computation adopts the cryptographic technique designated by the National Cipher Management Committee Office.
Then, an information management committee decides how to align it with the business priorities, and it balances demands from constituents.
No matter where you are at this special moment, please accept the most sincere appreciation and best wishes from CEIBS Management Committee.
But Arsenal were allowed to stay at their new home after the League Management Committee turned down an appeal by residents and nearby clubs.
Responsibilities: In charge of Lhasa State-owned land planning bureau, Lhasa Economic Development Zone, Liuwu New District Management Committee.
For instance, if your steering committee is called a "Project Management committee (PMC)," then enter "PMC" as a value in the appropriate review column.
例如,如果您执掌被称为“项目管理委员会(PMC) ”的委员会,那么可以将“PM C ”作为输入评审栏的数据。
"Earth's human society overall management committee" under the distribution in earth's regional branch management agencies civil servants of the same.
Establishing river basin management committee is to form a decision-making center that the committee owns highest authority and takes overall responsibility.
Management committee will hold regular meetings to listen to the work reports of building property management. Property management and discuss the major issues.
The Force Committee on Auxiliary Police and the Internal Review and Management Committee have continued to address issues with progressive efficiency and effectiveness.
The management committee for the London 2012 Olympics is committed to sound risk management, according to David Law, head of risk and audit, Olympic Delivery Authority.
Notice is hereby given that we, the sponsoring body of the under-mentioned planned school, intend to establish an incorporated management committee in respect of the school.
In the meantime, be assured that our global team, including the Board of Directors and the Management Committee, is working diligently to address the complaint with the facts.
Well, first of all every product starts as an idea that goes to a management committee. The committee studies all the new ideas and allocates development money to some of them.
Under the authorization, the author agreed to propose the project to the operation risk management committee of the bank as the rough draft for further discussion and amendment.
Under the authorization, the author agreed to propose the project to the operation risk management committee of the bank as the rough draft for further discussion and amendment.