The humanism management ideology values the person factor and adapts to the management of modern universities.
Chapter3: Integrates the system engineering basic principle, elaborates the East Passageway project's systematic management ideology.
Customer-centered theory is a kind of management pattern, including management ideology, management organization, management institution and management method.
The library management ideology should have concise expression, plentiful moral and cover the nature and the task of the university and express deeper cultural details.
The framework of this software system is conceived, which combined with requirement of ISO9001 and its inner management ideology on analysis of its application background.
This paper discusses the procedure control in the modern metrology management ideology from the following aspects, such as establishing the metrology management system, co...
All these will change the traditional management mode, handling style and management ideology, they have also brought us indefinite commerce opportunities and severe challenge.
The thesis discourses from four aspects, which are propaganda management ideology, news propaganda ideology, literature and art propaganda ideology, education propaganda ideology.
The TQM is compared with army academy management from the management ideology, the management mode and the management cultures; and the feasibility of importing TQM into army academy is discussed.
Forest park as a new industry, requires modem ideology and up-to-date management.
The development ideology of three layers structure has been successfully applied to Product Management System of Jilin Destuff Factory and was given high prize.
Ideology and behavior of college students nowadays have changed a lot, which presents a great challenge to the work of ideological education and management for college students.
Compared with the foreign system of "civil registration", China's household system is greatly different in its guiding ideology, function and management method.
The goal - management teaching pattern, which takes encouraging students' enthusiasm as its guiding ideology can be operated easily and has achieved extremely good effect in the teaching practice.
Based on the structure of public relations and humanistic ideology, this paper is a research into library management.
Adapts with it, the enterprise must the profound change which occurs according to in exterior management environment, readjusts guiding ideology, management strategy which the enterprise manages.
This paper discusses how to improve the construction of harmonious university campus, analyzes Confucius's rule of virtue ideology, absorbs its essence, and USES it for the management of university.
Corporate philosophy is the idea that the management of the guiding ideology, it is more important.
Classified forest management will be carried out in accordance with the contemporary forestry ideology.
Supply chain management is a compositive managing ideology and method. It carried out such performances: the logistics plan in supply chain from manufacturer to final customer and relative control.
Thought of management integration in territorial control planning is an important ideology to direct territorial control and planning in town scale.
According to SGCC's deepening the guiding ideology of power management, the company's power supply units at all levels are actively building automatic meter reading system (AMRS).
The difference in their ideology and culture with system management is the barrier in their communication;
In this article, the theory of product brand management and customer value is described briefly firstly which is being regarded as the Guiding ideology penetrating throughout the research.
The theory of harmony management was presented by Professor XiYouMin who was a famous scholar in management area absorbing in the quintessence of harmony ideology in Chinese traditional culture.
New ideology, new model in productive managing for precalcining cement enterprises is discussed together with management practice for years.
The cost management is in the whole process of construction. The purpose of the cost control can be achieved by enforcing cost ideology, planning the budget, and offering cost supervision.
The principle of total management is one of the most important guiding ideology for establishing and operating the OHSMS. The other principles are briefly explained too.
The principle of total management is one of the most important guiding ideology for establishing and operating the OHSMS. The other principles are briefly explained too.