It could not have lasted more than two hours: many a week has seemed shorter.
To that point, Lin had had many hobbies, but none kept his interest for more than a week or two.
I want to wait till Friday to see how many students volunteer, and then I'll schedule a training class next week at a time that's convenient for everyone.
Many years ago, at the beginning of my athlete career, I was injured in the Addis Ababa Marathon, and I could not walk for almost a week.
How many times a week do you exercise?
Some doctors will see you right away to confirm your pregnancy with a blood test, but many prefer to wait until week 8 to schedule and appointment.
Spend some time meditating on this - you spend that many hours a week at work just for the expenses you listed.
Studies in countries such as Ghana and Cameroon suggest many girls at secondary school miss a week of classes when they have their period, or drop out altogether when they reach puberty.
For many people, the week leading up to Christmas is a blur of last-minute holiday shopping, parties, and quality time with loved ones.
Many cancer patients have to travel to a hospital each week for simple cell counts to be carried out.
For starters, an extreme job involves working at least 60 hours a week, although many work 100 hours or more.
The automatic washing-machine might give it a close run in countries where it is commonplace, by freeing women from an activity that used to take many hours a week.
For how many hours a week should history be taught in schools, and to what age should it be made compulsory?
If you find yourself starting to come down with depression then try to carry out as many of these as possible for a week and then see if you feel better and more optimistic in outlook.
Some doctors will see you right away to confirm your pregnancy with a blood test but many prefer to wait until week 8 to schedule and appointment.
Founder Alan Seideman gave me a demo last week and explained way too many scenarios in which this would be useful.
The group is receiving new cases at a rate of about one a week, many of which are extremely rare at such young ages.
Many couples take a honeymoon, a one - to two-week vacation trip, to celebrate their new marriage.
Laws in many states hold that the rights of a one-week marriage supersede parental rights.
This week, many of our largest corporations reported robust earnings – a positive sign of growth.
You can only work so many hours in a week, you can only hire so many more people, and you can only train them to create work-arounds for a limited time.
She looked round the room, reviewing all its familiar objects which she had dusted once a week for so many years, wondering where on earth all the dust came from.
Now, let’s see how many hours you work in a week just to meet these expenses.
"We got suspicious when tens of thousands of new members were accepted over a six-week period, many of whom were no oil painting," Hodge told the Guardian.
How many hours a week of the time when his children are out of bed does the ordinary bread-winning father spend in the company of his children or even in the same building with them?
The company says it needs about a week to decide how many employees will be called back.
The company says it needs about a week to decide how many employees will be called back.