Because of this, some of the best women have collected as many as 25-35 directorships each, and are known in Norwegian business circles as the "golden skirts".
Our production team had tried many kinds of "Idol"-style selection shows in the past," said Jin, who was previously best-known for his 2007 show "My Hero".
THE Nobel prizes are probably the best-known of the many annual awards for excellence in a particular field.
Many different types of non-tariff barriers have been used, but the best-known of these are quota systems.
The Republican Party would be wise to think carefully about its loss of Mr Specter, one of America's best known senators, whose views are Shared by many old-line business-friendly Republicans.
Archive director Philip Mooney told the show that many similar, if not identical, recipes have surfaced in the past that claim to be the one for what has become one of the world's best-known brands.
Though these predators are best known for ensnaring their food in sticky webs and paralyzing them with venom, this is only one of many ways the world's 40,000 or so known spider species catch a meal.
Also fully behind the deal is Stan "the man" Lee, a living legend of the cartoon world who helped create many of Marvel's best-known characters during the 1960s.
India's many engineers, whose best-known role is to help Western companies expand or cut costs, are now turning their attention to the purchasing potential of the nation's own 1.1-billion population.
Big bombs battered three of Baghdad's best-known hotels, including the Hamra, where many Western journalists reside, leaving at least 41 people dead.
His successor: Larry Merlo, a 20-year company veteran best known for integrating many of the company's recent acquisitions, including the Revco and Eckerd chains.
On 13 November 2007, Gray released a Greatest Hits album which includes many of his best known songs as well as two new songs, including the lead single "You're the World to Me."
2007年12月13日,Gray发行了Greatest Hits,其中包括了他很多耳熟能详的歌曲,也包括了两首新歌,其中包括首打单曲You'rethe World to Me。
He is the son of one of the best-known Portuguese architects, Álvaro Siza Vieira , winner of the 1992 Pritzker Prize and the 1988 Alvar Aalto Medal, among many other accolades.
Top ten most expensive brands are not necessarily paint the best on the market now, many without known fact, the quality of the paint coating is also good.
The many roles he played in different films made him one of the best-known actors in China.
Many also visit the home of Jane Austen, one of England's best-known writers.
But Jane Austen is perhaps the best known and best loved of Bath's many famous local people and visitors.
Credited with inventing the dogleg, his contribution in Scotland included many of the world's best-known courses such as the Old and New courses in st Andrews, Carnoustie, Nairn and Royal Dornoch.
Many of his books, poems and plays made him one of the best-known writers in the world.
Less well known is the jettisoning of advanced-skills teachers, who were expert professionals passing on best practice throughout many schools.
Among them, it is best known for the number of Baotu Spring, many of the people of Jinan spring water every day to drink it.
A case can be made for the usage, since many of the persons so described are best known simply for who they are rather than what they have done.
To understand why, many here point to the fate of one of the nation's best-known Internet tycoons, Takafumi Horie.
Although the best known celiac disease symptoms include bloating, gas, and diarrhea, many people with the condition never have any of these symptoms.
Musically, this was a period of outstanding creativity which saw the production of many of his best known symphonic, concertante and operatic works, and his final, incomplete Requiem.
Pfizer Inc discovers, develops, manufactures, and markets leading prescription medicines for humans and animals and many of the world's best-known consumer brands.
Four Notes of Ancient Poetry is the best-known works of Zhang among his many productions coming down to now.
Four Notes of Ancient Poetry is the best-known works of Zhang among his many productions coming down to now.