Many of the bones bear cut marks that point to a previously unknown Himalayan death ritual, experts say.
Many of the bones appear to have been transported some distance by the river, although some finds appear to be in their original position.
Many of the mammal bones collected from Herto bear cut marks from stone tools. It is impossible to say, however, whether the people were hunting the animals or scavenging the kills of other predators.
Gingerich and many other paleontologists trusted the hard evidence of the bones more than the molecular comparisons of living animals.
In the short run, they may also cause kidney problems, loss of calcium in the bones, and an unhealthy metabolic state called ketosis in many people.
Why should I be afraid? " but is tormented by the loss of many of her relatives, including her parents, when the wave swept over their coastal village." Syamsiah had found only their bones.
Alice Sebold's accomplished first novel takes the metaphor of "bones," tainted by overuse, shakes off the thriller trappings and turns not only this but many other cliches upside down.
First, the breaking of the fossilized leg bone revealed many small branching channels inside, which probably correspond to hollows in the bones where blood vessels were once located.
Minerals are critical elements for many metabolic functions. They are important constituents of the bones, teeth, soft tissues, muscles, blood and nerve cells.
Most blood cells, including red blood cells, are produced regularly in your bone marrow — a red, spongy material found within the cavities of many of your large bones.
I know this puts Bones Swiss out of reach for many skaters and so I have been searching for a bearing that approaches the performance of our legendary Swiss at a lower price.
How many broken bones have you suffered at the hands of your husband?
Hot toddies , gluehwein , eggnog , irish coffee , amaretto hot chocolate and many more hot drinks , which take the chill out of your bones , will be available all winter long.
He followed the trail of the other man who dragged himself along, and soon came to the end of it-a few fresh-picked bones where the soggy moss was marked by the foot-pads of many wolves.
Conclusion Adjacent wrist ligaments oriented in many V-shaped configurations, which maintain the steadiness of wrist and carpal bones.
No matter how many bones or how good your MOCAP hardware is, the result will be an approximation of the real thing.
Many thousands more suffer less severe but still debilitating injuries that are far worse than the physical pain of scraped skin or even broken bones.
The more protein you eat, the easier it is for your bones to absorb calcium and the stronger your bones will become. (4) You want to eat as many different kinds of protein as you can.
你吃的蛋白质越多 ,就越容易增进你的骨骼对钙的吸收,你的骨骼会变得更强壮。 (4)尽量吃许多不同种类的蛋白质。
Two years and many tests later, we have come amazingly close to the performance of our own Bones Swiss for about half the price using a Chinese bearing manufacturer to our design specifications.
Many are afraid of the bones getting stuck... no problem, there are many varieties of nutritious canned fish on the market.
Many are afraid of the bones getting stuck... no problem, there are many varieties of nutritious canned fish on the market.