One type of external evidence that may shed light on the transmission of Roman texts is the availability of a work in the Middle Ages, when many classical texts were circulated.
Our studies show that giving children too many toys or toys of the wrong type can actually be doing them harm.
He was not the type of person offering to pay for refinishing my car, which had by now many scratch marks.
An artificial relationship of this type would provide many of the benefits that people obtain from interpersonal friendships.
Though there are many types of uniforms, the wearer of any particular type is generally stuck with it, without change, until retirement.
The somatoform type of hypochondriac has many physical symptoms and assumes there’s a serious underlying cause but doesn’t necessarily jump to catastrophic conclusions.
The result: the same type of edema many people experience while flying or women experience when pregnant.
Another practical point is that the type of malarial parasite used in this and many other experiments is not actually one that causes human disease.
Once this was completed, we worked with the storage team to determine what type and how many LUNs we would require for each of the AIX systems that were migrating to this new device.
这个过程完成后,我们就可以与存储团队一起来决定对于要迁移到这个新设备的每个AIX系统,将需要哪种类型的LUN以及需要多少这样的 LUN。
In order to define individual definitions of this partial type, you create as many UML types as the number of definitions, and give some arbitrary but meaningful names to them.
However, there are many cases where the type of a consumer requisition is the exact complement or conjugate of the service port that it is connected to.
Of course, many factors play in selecting the type of the tools and their functionality.
Performance is negatively impacted when the table is large or when many sessions issue this type of query.
One thing that differentiates Ragnarok from other MMORPGs is the job system—the selection of a character type (out of many complex categorizations) is called a “job” in RO.
This is a fundamental challenge for policy-makers in the face of many threats of this type, including natural pandemic threats.
There are many different types of swine flu and the current cases involve the H1N1 strain of type a influenza virus.
猪流感的种类很多,现在的病例则与A型病毒的H1N 1类有关。
The rest of this article discusses the tuple type, which serves to introduce many of the fundamental concepts related to creating and using container types in Python.
The compiler can verify that the evaluation of an XPath on an element is appropriate with respect to the XML Schema type of the element (detecting many errors at compile-time).
To accomplish this, however, either many URLs (in the case of the link element) or many server-side documents and their corresponding type maps (in the case of content negotiation) must be maintained.
然而,为了达到这个目的,必须维护很多URL(在使用 link元素的情况下)或者很多服务器端文档及其相应的类型映射(在使用内容协商的情况下)。
Technically, Geiger counters are just one type of radiation detector. But many people use the term to describe all radiation detection equipment.
If you define a complex type describing a person, there will be many elements in the type, for the name, date of birth, address, occupation, and so on.
Yellow refers to the smutty type, and grey or black to spam messages, many of which offer products or services of various shades of legality.
Clearly there are many reactors and they're all built of the same type and the same technology but some are run better than others and safety culture is clearly the difference.
As you would expect, it's capable of playing pretty-much any type of music file, either with the included player or one of many third-party apps you can find.
If the same type of data occurs many times within an object, subelements win, hands down.
From here, you can browse through all of the documents that have been released, organized by type, category, date, number of casualties, and many other properties.
There are many theories and hypotheses that attempt to explain this type of crisis and the dynamics behind the cyclical pattern of history (24).
The researchers measured how many responses they received by each type of postcard.
Priority criteria establish the portfolio's overall objectives and help determine what type (categories) of projects and how many of each type to include in the portfolio.
Priority criteria establish the portfolio's overall objectives and help determine what type (categories) of projects and how many of each type to include in the portfolio.