The narrow gateway left me little margin for error as I reversed the car.
While the left margin marks only things currently visible in the editor, the right margin shows everything marked in the file.
Using notepaper or a simple text file on your laptop or tablet, indent the pages of your notes in from the left margin.
Skip two lines and type the recipient's full name, business title and address, aligned at the left margin.
In the left margin of the workbench, switch to the Web perspective.
Because you haven't imported the Vector type, there will be a vaguely familiar symbol in the left margin, a red box with an "x" combined with a yellow light bulb.
Opposite horizontal margin constraint. A left float box that has another left float box to its left may not have its right margin edge to the right of the containing block's right padding edge.
对立水平边框限制:如果一个左浮动框的左边还有另一个左浮动框,那么这个左浮动框的右marginedge不能在此包含块的右padding edge 之右。
Containing block horizontal constraint. A left float box's left margin edge may not be to the left of the containing block's left padding edge.
包含块的水平限制:左浮动框的marginedge不能在包含块的左padding edge框的左边。
Like other annotations such as bookmarks, breakpoints, and syntax problems, these are indicated by a symbol in the left margin of the editor.
Initially, they will show small arrows in the left margin, indicating that they are awaiting a move.
A check markcompleted step appears in the left margin of each completed step.
每个已完成的步骤的左页边距上都会有一个钩标记(完成的步骤 )。
That has left many ordinary Japanese savers facing not just paper losses as the yen climbed but also steep margin calls from foreign-exchange brokers.
Then, use a simple system of symbols to mark off 4 different information types in the column space left in the margin.
In addition to the check mark symbols in the far left margin, there are small triangles in a column to the right of these.
You then set a breakpoint by clicking in the gutter in the left-hand margin and launch the application using the debugger.
You should notice a small error icon in the left hand margin next to the line in the plugin.xml file that specifies the implementation class.
您应该注意到,在文件plugin . xml靠近线的左部边缘区域,有一个很小的错误图标,该文件指定了执行类。
As you work with code in Eclipse, you'll notice yet another column in the left margin between annotations and the code folding controls.
Other errors are indicated with a light bulb in the editor's left margin; these are problems that the editor might be able to fix for you — a feature called Quick Fix.
The visible class just sets the left margin of the optional panel and doesn't need any other Settings because the HTML table is displayed by default.
If you key code that USES relative namespace qualifiers, NetBeans displays a light bulb icon in the left-most code margin.
Containing block vertical constraint. A left float box's top margin edge may not be higher than the containing block's top padding edge.
包含块的垂直限制:左浮动框的上marginedge不能高于包含块的上padding edge。
Previous element vertical constraint. A left float box's top margin edge may not be higher than the top margin edge of any block or floated box generated by an earlier element in the source document.
之前元素的垂直限制:左浮动框的上marginedge不能高于任何块或在由源文档中前一元素生成的被浮动框的上margin edge。
Left - Increase the generated box's top margin so that the top border edge is below the bottom margin edge of any left float boxes generated from previous source elements.
left -增加所生成框的上边框,以便上borderedge处于由之前的源元素所生成的任一左浮动框的底margin edge之下。
Apple, whose iPhone sales account for nearly half the firm's total sales, reported a 40 percent gross margin, or the percentage of sales left after subtracting the cost of goods sold.
First, set a breakpoint in main System.out.println by double-clicking in the gray margin on the left side of the editor view, next to the call to System.out.println .
首先双击编辑器视图左端的灰色边沿,从而在调用System . out .println之后的main System . out . println中设置一个断点。
You should notice a small error icon in the left margin, next to the line in the plugin.xml file, that specifies the implementation class.
您应该注意plugin . xml文件中代码旁边的,左边空白中的,指定实现类的小错误图标。
Selection list layout is used to specify whether the caption or control appears at the left margin of a pane.
First, set a breakpoint at the call to the greet in the main method by double-clicking (not single-clicking like Netbeans) in the left margin.
First, set a breakpoint at the call to the greet in the main method by double-clicking (not single-clicking like Netbeans) in the left margin.