Nonrivalry has the implication that the efficient price is zero, since the marginal cost of another viewer is zero.
At any price above marginal cost, the airline is better off selling a ticket than flying with the seat empty.
However, there are many firms that have market power or monopoly power, which means that they can increase their price above marginal cost and sustain sales for a long period of time. [1].
Thus, a monopoly chooses a quantity qm where marginal revenue equals marginal cost, and charges the maximum price p(qm) the market will bear at that quantity.
这样,垄断者将选择生产当边际收益与边际成本相同时的产量qm。 然后向市场收取那个产量下市场能够承受的最大价格p(qm)。
His central thesis: as the marginal cost of creating a product drops towards zero, its price will do the same.
Unfortunately in the congestion cost allocation to congested lines, the shadow price method and the marginal and incremental method existed have some defects.
Briefly presents three mainly used methods for calculating water price: marginal cost method, planned price method and cost method.
The price for their information or distribution is dropping towards marginal cost, which is close to zero and typically does not cover full cost.
If there are not external markets, taking the marginal cost of intermediate products as the transfer price is better than the bargain price or standard cost.
The paper studied pricing strategy research of power plant based on real-time generating cost and system marginal price prediction under the deregulated power system.
Given the limited resources, producers are being motivated to allocate the resources properly to ensure highest efficiency, which is determined by the equality of price and marginal cost.
However, if the sector is imperfectly competitive, the price will exceed the social marginal cost and we'll see value added being artificially transferred between sectors.
In the analysis of electricity tariff, the author puts emphasis on two-part price system, which is based on marginal cost.
Based on the concept of load-price elasticity, the principle of marginal cost pricing, and conditions of the deregulated retail electricity market, the model of spot pricing was deduced.
Describe the two problems that arise when regulators tell a natural monopoly that it must set a price equal to marginal cost.
If there are not external markets, taking the marginal cost of intermediate products as the transfer price is better t...
The system marginal price can be obtained without the optimal flow calculation, so there is no convergence problem and the cost revision is not necessary.
The spot price of the reactive power contains rich information about the marginal operational cost of the power system. It's a good measure for computing the reactive power price on power market.
According to the maximum daily system marginal price in a year, the annual transmission cost is allocated to each day.
On a diagram, label the price charged and the deadweight loss to society relative to marginal-cost pricing.
There are three kinds of method of calculating basic electric price, includes: marginal cost method, account cost method, and spot price theory. The marginal cost method is adopted in the paper.
The long term marginal cost methodology is presented in this paper, based on application of single energy price. An exam…
Briefly presents 3 mainly used methods for calculating water price: marginal cost method, planned price and cost price.
Marginal principle in which price should be set at the point where marginal benefit equals marginal cost yields efficiency in resources USES and allocations.
Marginal principle in which price should be set at the point where marginal benefit equals marginal cost yields efficiency in resources USES and allocations.