The changing of selecting marital partner in Dong society from"matching the same" to " exchanging wealth" caused some other cultural changes in their society.
Family membership (Corporate family membership) cannot be separately transferred and can only be transferred to a legal marital partner with equal qualification.
A positive nod of forgiveness toward your partner early in the marriage usually helps when the kids and the mortgage and the careers nibble away at marital bliss.
Perhaps long transit times exacerbate corrosive marital inequalities, with one partner overburdened by child care and the other overburdened by work.
Sandra a Murray and her colleagues have been studying romantic relationships now for several decades, and have found that idealising one's partner is a sure recipe for marital success;
桑德拉·莫里(Sandra Murray)和他的同事已对婚姻问题研究了数年,发现将伴侣理想化的确是经营一个成功婚姻的良方。
Many financial pros argue that operating from individual accounts helps maintain marital peace. Since neither partner knows what happens in the other's account, there's no bickering.
This only creates marital strain when the dead-ended partner fails to respond.
This only creates marital strain when the dead-ended partner fails to respond.