Mark knelt down and helped the boy pick up the scattered articles.
You ask them, on the other hand, to mark down their sex, they do worse because they're reminded of a negative stereotype.
You ask them, on the other hand, to mark down their sex, they do worse because they are reminded of a negative stereotype.
When Asian-American women are given a test and they're asked to mark down their race, they do better than they would otherwise do.
A silver Rolex peeks out from under his cuff, and a vertical strip of white beard drops down from his lower lip like an exclamation mark.
And to do that, you should carry around a little pencil and paper all day, and each time you feel the impulse (in this case, to react with anger), mark down a tally.
A few days after the crash, he stopped at the table I was sharing with Mark from proof reading, and asked if he might sit down.
I put another kilogram on, it goes down to this mark.
Bill Gates offered Mark a million dollars while Mark was still in high school to work for him, and Mark turned it down.
Alas, explains Mark McClellan of the Brookings Institution, the most meaningful proposals have since been watered down or delayed.
Inside the euro zone, no one can be forced to devalue because no one has a currency to mark down.
In addition, each store can adjust prices of the products by specifying a mark-up or mark-down from list price, or by specifying the actual prices.
Once the game started, I tried to calm him down by showing him how to mark the scorecard and keep track of every play.
No unit and individual shall revise, daub, mark or break down the documents of company registration files.
Undermining that effort, on Thursday American accounting standard-setters watered down a mark-to-market provision that would have forced banks to value their assets at market prices.
A silver Rolex peeks out from under his cuff, and a vertical strip of white soul patch drops down from his lower lip like an exclamation mark.
But to mark the tests, they have to use an answer key sent down from the States.
As the market prices of mortgage securities have fallen, banks have had to mark down their holdings, taking “unrealised” losses that erode their capital position.
随着按揭证券市价的下跌,银行需要减记它们的持有量,接受“未实现”的损失。 这些“未实现”的损失将腐蚀它们的资本。
When you enter, they mark down any books you bring in, and you're expected to take same number out again.
These regional rankings might also break down the insularity that has long been a mark of Latin American academia.
The index's movement implies a 5% loss rate, pressuring banks to mark down the value of their bonds even though the underlying properties are still generating cash.
Or else he will mark you down as an annoying upstart and will only be too glad to edge you out when the next round of redundancies comes round.
While it is unusual for people of that age to hold down a job, it is becoming more and more common to reach the 100-year mark.
Figure 14 shows that you can either select the report type from the drop-down box or manually check mark the required reports available below.
I came back down half an hour later and I could see this black mark had turned into view.
The engraving was a mark of ownership and to add weight to its value when it later past down through his family.
Using a ruler, mark a light line with your pencil down the left-hand edge, about 1-2cm in.
用尺子在左边画一条直线,离边缘1 - 2厘米。
Each node in the cluster has a custom file that lists all the IP addresses it must be able to ping for it to mark an interface up or down.
集群中的每个节点有一个定制的netmon . cf文件,其中列出一些IP地址,为了判断一个接口是打开的还是关闭的,它必须能够ping通这些地址。
And combining them with a question mark had asked them over and over on the phone, going down the movie houses in the yellow section of the book.
And combining them with a question mark had asked them over and over on the phone, going down the movie houses in the yellow section of the book.