The super low prices offered by our competitors is a serious market disruption for us.
The White House said the extra duties were necessary to combat market disruption caused by a surge in tyre imports.
"In our opinion, these tariff levels would remedy the market disruption that we have found to exist," the four said in a statement.
The commission could deadlock, or see its proposal voted down, precipitating the sort of market disruption the scheme was meant to avoid.
A WTO Member shall apply a measure pursuant to this Section only for such period of time as may be necessary to prevent or remedy the market disruption.
Note 2: If any such date is not a Business Day, it will be postponed to the following Business Day, subject to the occurrence of a Market Disruption Event.
In Europe, we do not think a disappointing European summit in March will necessarily result in massive market disruption. This is however a risk that cannot be neglected.
Even so, specialty tea is a $1.3 billion global market ready for disruption, which is just the way CEO Mack likes it.
The danger of a big disruption of oil and gas supplies makes it more necessary to develop an EU-wide energy market and grids.
The closure has sent jitters through a market already nervous about the potential disruption to Europe-bound liquefied natural gas (LNG) through the Suez Canal.
Additionally, we draw on exchange theories to identify product and market factors that impact buyers' perceptions of the probability and magnitude of supply disruption.
I will say that my general view is that the SPR is to be used where you don't have just short-term fluctuations in the market, but a significant disruption event.
And many will tell you there's no market more overdue for disruption than the banking industry.
The conclusion is that supply chain has robust not only in market scale disruption stage but also in retailer cost disruption stage.
The conclusion is that supply chain has robust not only in market scale disruption stage but also in retailer cost disruption stage.