In Club Penguin, the market leader, which was bought by Disney in 2007 for a whopping $700 million.
Toto, as the market leader and technological pioneer, sells 1.5m of them a year.
Zynga, the market leader, which had 22m users in January, now has more than 170m.
QED: being market leader is a valuable asset that a firm relinquishes at its peril.
Perhaps the darkest clouds are those gathering over the European market leader, Volkswagen.
Amazon is by far the market leader with a share of between 80% and 90%, according to Mr Bias.
GM may still be the market leader; Ford's trusty F-150 pickup is still the bestselling vehicle.
通用汽车可能仍然是市场的领先者,福特让人信赖的F- 150皮卡仍然是销量最大的汽车。
We're in this game, and we're going to be in this game. But the market leader is getting stronger.
If they want to become the market leader, the company must ensure that their product is of high quality.
A deal with Apple would give China Unicom a powerful tool to poach young mobile users from the market leader.
Google has demonstrated new mapping technologies in an effort to reassert its position as a market leader.
Unquestionably, Red Hat has been the Linux market leader through the years, particularly for big business.
With the popular browser Firefox Mozilla was able to take a significant amount of market share from the market leader.
We have made pioneering efforts in development of new products, which has enabled us to emerge as a market leader.
IBM has been a strong market leader this year, rising more than 25% versus a 2% rise for the Dow Jones Industrials.
It has been the clear market leader in China, with the world's largest Internet population, for most of the past decade.
Last week Wal-Mart pulled the plug on its German operations, selling its 85 hypermarkets to Metro, the local market leader.
Those at Lianhua Supermarket, the main grocery arm of Bailian Group, the domestic market leader, fell from 2.4% to 1.9%.
Instead, Toyota, a Japanese company, has made itself the market leader, with its fuel-sipping petrol-electric hybrid, the Prius.
In Germany the market leader in car-sharing is a company owned by Deutsche Bahn, a railway giant, based around railway stations.
They will go with the market leader rather than hottest technology and seek continuous improvement rather than radical paradigm shifts.
But Autonomy is the market leader in software to sift through "unstructured" data, such as documents, e-mails, photographs and phone calls.
Even the American market leader, General Electric, reported a sharp drop in third-quarter turbine sales, compared with the same period last year.
By acquiring Skype, Microsoft becomes a much stronger player in mobile and the clear market leader in Internet voice and video communications.
It may seem churlish to criticise projects that seek to catch up with the world's market leader when Europe is struggling to improve its use of it.
While RIM revs its engines to promote devices in the hopes of recapturing its days of consumer market leader glory, its future lies in the enterprise.
While RIM revs its engines to promote devices in the hopes of recapturing its days of consumer market leader glory, its future lies in the enterprise.