Small business owners often ignore early warning signs of a stagnant market or of decaying profitability.
But over the past 30 years the correlation of a company's profitability with market share is weak. The stronger correlation is actually with consumer loyalty.
Societe Generale on Tuesday upgraded the European banking sector to overweight, saying it believes the sector can achieve more profitability than the market expects.
The authors compare the profitability of small Banks operating in only one local market in two periods, 1982-90 and 1991-2000.
这四位作者对1982- 90和1991 - 2000两个时期内只在单一市场经营的小银行的盈利能力进行了对比。
BMW aims to raise profitability by increasing parts sharing among vehicles as Mercedes-Benz and Audi step up efforts to take market share.
In that case, Lloyds’s acquisition of HBOS, which in 2011 will start to come good in terms of profitability, looks vulnerable because of the combination’s 25% or so retail-market share in Britain.
The best graduates want to work for telephone and energy companies because they pay well, thanks to the profitability that comes from market power.
Yes, Apple has always held that market share didn't matter as much as profitability, but that attitude seemed increasingly like a defensive self-justification as its market share bottomed near 3%.
But now the impact on exports of higher oil prices, coupled with a sharp rise in the yen since last summer-a consequence largely of financial-market volatility-throws that profitability into question.
In 2010, he will slash incentives and end up abandoning GM's 20% U.S. market share target to find profitability.
In that case, Lloyds's acquisition of HBOS, which in 2011 will start to come good in terms of profitability, looks vulnerable because of the combination's 25% or so retail-market share in Britain.
If you're thinking along traditional lines, when a drug doesn't promise profitability and market size and growth, it will not enter the portfolio.
In other words, in a choppy market, your trading commissions and other costs will overwhelm your profitability, as meager as it will be.
Even so, many directors are less comfortable dealing with issues of corporate culture than they are with more easily quantified concepts like profitability or market share.
Hedgers use the futures market to protect their businesses, from adverse price changes that could negatively impact the bottom-line profitability of their businesses.
The marketing concept rests on four pillars: target market, customer needs, integrated marketing, and profitability.
Minimizing risks and maximizing profitability by copying market leaders requires both organic and mechanistic elements in the organization's structure.
In November, the SEHK launched the growth enterprise Market (GEM) which offers growth enterprises without a record of profitability an avenue to raise capital for business development.
Market share reflects to a great extent profitability and competition status, but this concept cannot fully evaluate enterprise performance.
"The reason we are in the egg futures market is because the big swings in egg prices will affect our profitability, and a good futures market will help us in that regard," Ms. Chen said.
PetroChina's market value is much higher than its earnings, and has little relation to profitability.
The amount of time you are "exposed" in the market through active trading, either manually or mechanically, is inversely proportional to your profitability success rate.
Our conclusion shows that leading enterprises are motivated to enter through the proliferation of brand new market segments and improve the profitability of the business.
Our conclusion shows that the leading motive for enterprises through the proliferation of brands have entered a new market segments and improve the profitability of the business.
Under the condition of shipping market downturn, ship owners can add the solid bulk cargoes in compliance for the carriage to realize the purpose of increasing profitability.
Higher customer retention levels lead to greater market share, which, finally, results in greater profitability.
Higher customer retention levels lead to greater market share, which, finally, results in greater profitability.