Toyota lost more than two points of market share, the worst performance of the 24 brands on sale in the country (see chart 3).
The two brands with the highest levels -- more than double that of the other milk-based products -- command 87 percent of the market share for infant formula.
Another limitation is that brands for this study were not selected strictly on the basis of market share or to represent a broad range of tar yields, but rather were a convenience sample.
Similarly astute was India's Titan Industries, which has increased its share of India's wristwatch market despite the entry of foreign brands such as Timex and Swatch.
To occupy the central air conditioning from domestic market share of more than 90% in its foreign brands "feed" rob.
In China there are fewer studies of private label brands (PLB's) that take up less market share than generic brands and national brands.
"Qingniao", one of domestic brands becomes pale, but "Haosha", one of other domestic brands still holds a major market share in Beijing.
How to slow growth in the market in sales and maintain a reasonable share of Chinese brands will be a severe test.
The company grew its market share by 0.3 percentage points during the period, driven by the performance of its global drive brands, Dunhill and Pall Mall.
"We believe this pricing is fully justified in the context of the strong market share performances of the premium brands of late," he said, citing Marlboro.
In this regard, analysts believe that China Resources Snow and Shanghai it will be the market share of the first Japanese-owned Suntory beer brands fierce competition.
It is observed that between 2008 and 2009, cars of Chinese and Japanese brands took turns to be the No. 1 in terms of market share while those with American brands ranked the last in both years.
It is observed that between 2008 and 2009, cars of Chinese and Japanese brands took turns to be the No. 1 in terms of market share while those with American brands ranked the last in both years.