However, collaborate transaction and market transaction take transaction costs.
This value idea can obviously purify the mood of society and reduce market transaction costs greatly.
In other words, that price is the money value of a product or service as agreed upon in a market transaction.
This paper thoroughly researches the problem of establishing regional electric power market transaction pattern.
Unauthorized disposition, as a form of market transaction, has long been regulated in civil laws of all countries.
Stock and commodity market transaction entered into in good faith are speculative contracts and not illegal as wagers.
Clear property right is the premise for market transaction, and it is necessary to define and protect property rights.
The aim of the composition of these two contracts is to minimize the total cost of organization and market transaction.
The real estate intermediary always has the communicated, service and the bridge function in the real estate market transaction.
The fundamental research of financial market microstructure theories is the market transaction mechanism and the assets price forming.
Technology progress affects the change in firm boundary through saving firms internal coordination costs and market transaction costs.
In our opinions, the management cost can be divided into two parts: intra-organization co-ordination cost and intra-market transaction cost.
Williamson argued that higher uncertainty would cause higher market transaction cost and raise the probability of vertical integration of firm.
Family identity and Family relation make these enterprises not only save interior administrative costs, but also the exterior market transaction costs.
Representative by America learner R H Coase, the transaction cost theory from view of market transaction cost, made up another explain to scale economy.
Why, is to jump out the trading band of inertial thinking, take the lead in the market establish the unilateral market transaction awareness and thinking.
Nowadays, thoughts of evaluation model mostly based on two main theories: the discounted cash flow and the method of adjustment on market transaction price.
Investors are also increasingly concerned about the listed company's announcement, the company with which to obtain information as a market transaction basis.
Property right is the basic element to constitute the social economic system as well as the basic presupposition for the market transaction to be operated orderly.
The market subject began set up and accessed to the market, and then competed through market transaction, eventually withdrew from the market due to varied reasons.
Accounting information, as a kind of resource that can be used to approach the optimization of market transaction efficiency and degrade the market risks, is very scarce.
Ltd.. The CGSDTC. Co. Ltd. shall be responsible for providing services such as secondary market transaction settlement, proxy payment and release of relevant information.
Since the new system functions are not perfect, resulting in the construction market transaction costs, trade order and chaos, affecting the efficiency of the bidding system.
Moving as fast, boldly and recklessly as a trillion-dollar fat-fingered stock-market transaction, the film has the drive, luxe and sarcastic wit of the snazziest Hollywood movies.
The construction of perfect property institution contains 2 aspect contents, which are property right restructuring and creation of property right limited rules in market transaction.
Under comparative analysis of traditional power dispatching model and electric power market transaction model, an electricity market transaction decision-making mathematic model is constructed.
VAT fraud, in which tax is charged as part of a transaction but not surrendered to any government, has long been a problem in the market.
VAT fraud, in which tax is charged as part of a transaction but not surrendered to any government, has long been a problem in the market.