It gives more points on discussing the calculation of indirect benefit, for example Market valuation method, Human capital Approach, Travel cost method.
Secondly in enterprise valuation cost method should proceed with book value of the financial statement, regard market value as adjusting orientation and reduce application range of cost method.
The results show that this method can improve market comparison approach, which reduces the error in subjective assessments and improves the accuracy of the valuation results.
As we all know, there are a variety of valuation methods, and perfect for the market is discounted free cash flow method.
The social effects of urban mass transit consist of tangible and intangible effects. The latter is quite difficult to be quantitatively estimated when we use the method of market valuation.
The contingent valuation method (CVM) is one of the most significant approaches of non-market valuation techniques and has been used widely.
The contingent valuation method (CVM) is one of the most significant approaches of non-market valuation techniques and has been used widely.